Comp Player Resource Thread

The intent for this thread is to start building a compendium of sorts for constructive feedback, resource pooling, and external community sharing (ie sub-Reddits, Discord servers, etc).

When posting here, please be respectful - especially if you’re providing feedback, it takes some courage to put yourself out in front of the masses, flaws exposed. When receiving feedback, be humble and willing to learn - if you disagree or don’t understand a point made, ask questions, don’t attack someone trying to help you.

I genuinely enjoy OW as a game. I don’t always agree with design or balance changes but for me, the gameplay is enjoyable. The only time I don’t enjoy playing is when I’m in a lobby full of players who haven’t learned how to actually play the game. This thread is an attempt to mitigate the systemic ignorance created by OW’s obsolete “walkthrough”.


If looking for feedback from other players, it’s helpful if you ask for feedback on specific points of your gameply (ie positioning, CD decisions, engagement decisions, etc). This has a variety of benefits:

  1. It’ll help you get into the mindset of objectively critiquing yourself on specific areas of improvement which is arguably the very first step toward progressing.
  2. Asking for specific help makes providing feedback targeted and concise. Providing general feedback for an entire match is time consuming (there’s a reason coaching services charge money) and leaves room for vital critiques to be overlooked.

It’s also best to use Replay Codes since this allows people to see the game through your eyes as well as your team and enemy team’s position, ult economy, etc. However, if all you have is a vod, replace the line for “Replay code” with “Vod link”.

Feedback request!
Hero played: Phara
Platform: (console/PC)
Replay code: 1A2B3C
(Brief description of advice; example:)
I was playing Phara on Numbani and got hard-countered by hitscans because I felt like I couldn’t find cover that allowed me to shoot at the enemy without dying.

When giving feedback, remember that people posting here are seeking earnest critiques. Provide your feedback pragmatically and with appropriate solutions. Poor feedback would be simply saying “you’re positioning sucks” without elaborating how their position in a specific scenario from the replay could have been improved.

Discord Servers

If you have a Discord server that’s open to accepting members please list it. Do NOT share other players’ Discord without their permission. If you don’t wish random people to join a Discord server, please coordinate direct invites to the person wishing to join. In doing so, ensure to revisit this thread and remove any account handles.

If you are okay with a Discord server being open to the public, list it in the below format so I can add it to a list in this post for quick reference. If you list a server without using the format here, I’ll assume it’s not meant to be open for public invite and will not pull the server into this post.

Discord Resource!
Server name/invite link:
Description: (example) This server is a good place to find similarly ranked [PC/Console/Crossplay] players to group-up with for comp games.

Discord Servers for public joining

  • Discord Name: Community Clash (via rhainsict)
    – PC/Console is fine. Any/all ranks welcome but looking for more Silver/Gold/Plat players since it’s easier to balance games around. Preferably only people who want to actively participate.

Useful OW Forum Threads

Pretty straight-forward section. I’ll link helpful threads I find throughout the forums below.

Vods and External Forums

Similar to the Discord section. If I don’t see the format, I won’t pull the link up to this post for quick reference.

[Vod/Forum] Resource!
Link: GenjiBladeGuide .com
Description: (example) This is a great Dragon Blade guide made by Necros!

  • The following link is a YT vid by Coach Mills that outlines many misconceptions in the OW community (and echoed in these forums) that, if you buy into them, will hamper your ability to be self critical and your ability to improve.

This is intended to be a growing/expanding header post. I will do my best to keep it updated.

Please, remain civil. Provide friendly critique, and be humble enough to receive it.


I’ll play…. I’m in a discord for NA/EU people who like to run PUGs.

PC/Console is fine.
Any/all ranks welcome.

  • mind the space

Honestly looking for more Silver/Gold/Plat players since it’s easier to balance games around.

Preferably only people who want to actively participate. Lurkers are exhausting.

https ://

Discord Name: Community Clash


Awesome, thank you for contributing! Added to the top post!


I run a discord (the one Rhain mentioned) - and just as a heads up, if this thread actually goes anywhere (i’m concerned it won’t everyone on here is just so negative haha) - it would be cool to have Discord v Discord Scrims, we are certainly looking for this to add some depth for our members :smiley:


We could organize actual scrims between us and other discords, would be cool!

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Not a bad idea, scrims can be a lot of fun

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Not sure if you’re having trouble or not but, ya, I’m not seeing any content in your posts.

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Oh ye sorry about that wait lemme try again it was being really weird.

Can I post a replay for people to give me advice, or should I do this somewhere else.

thats not a proper discord link. or am i dumb?

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It isn’t a proper link. is the discord though

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Sorry, I don’t know how to “thing” :sweat_smile:

Thank you brother!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Fixed in the OP.

You’re more than welcome to! Reminder to (try to) include the following:

  • Hero played:
  • Platform: (console/PC)
  • Replay code:
  • (Brief description of advice; example:)
    I was playing Phara on Numbani and got hard-countered by hitscans because I felt like I couldn’t find cover that allowed me to shoot at the enemy without dying.

Update notice
Added a link to a vod by Coach Mills on YouTube with some good information regarding misconceptions players have (that you’ll see echoed in these forums) that - if you subscribe to them - will hold you back from improving

Yes, I agree with the points he makes. No, this is not an endorsement for his channel (nor will any links to vods/channels/etc).

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