Cant register phone number

I have the same issue regarding the phone number, we need to change region/country but we have to provide some proof that we live in this specific country. Personally, I live with my parents so I don’t have bills within my name.


I have provided evidence but no response from support staff.
There is nothing we can do about it as our support staff has not responded.



I am having trouble already with registering my phone, and by all accounts it should not be a problem.

It will be worse with all the pay-as-you-go phone users.


Same. Tried changing my region three days ago and am stuck in limbo waiting for an answer or even a sign that my ticket is being looked at.


Same problem, submitted two tickets and still waiting for response. This kind of thing shouldn’t be an issue at all.


Hello everyone, the wait times are normal for account issues. I’m sure the staff is absolutely swamped with Wrath of the Lich King Classic launch, so just give them some time to get back to you. In the meantime, make sure your phone number is not prepaid or it will not meet the requirements.


We can’t first confirm that without changing the country setting!


4-5 days of silence is normal? Yikes.


This has been the case around game launches, yes. Same as the last 10 years.

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Then, maybe it was a good idea to tell us a little earlier about new phone requirement. Not during launch of WOTLK:Classic and OW2 :thinking:


It was announced back in June. Here’s one of the first threads discussing it in #general-discussion

There were notices on the beta information, inside Bnet, on the support documentation, and in the forum from staff.

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I think the way they went about making this process but not being attentive to it causes more harm than help to players. I’m on the same boat as others here, I need to change my number from US to a Japanese phone number but the option to change your region is locked out. I haven’t lived in the US for the past 3 years and I don’t understand why it’s such a process to change your region, we only want to change it because it’s needs to be correct if we want to be able to play this game. It’s a game with a battle pass system, missing out on one or two weeks will set you back a lot…


idk why i expected any different than this. I was super excited to play OW2 but it looks like im not gonna be able to play for a while as well life just sucks thats all ill say and ive had to cut corners and had to let my phone service get disconnected to not lose my car and other things and because of that i dont get to play the game that i preordered and have played since the OW 1 beta first released. i use an app to call and text over wifi but cannot receive SMS messages whatsoever. i get wanting to protect accounts but why cant it be via email or something, one stiff option is a bad way to go and alienates your player base


Just want to say that my number is not pre-paid at all. I have a monthly bill, on time, on a known network, still can’t get it to work. Support just keeps saying the same things to me and I don’t even get an option for live chat. This new system is infuriating. I had the same issue with Ubisoft but they were able to fix it within minuets.


I think we did not make it well known.
It is currently causing so much confusion.
This important notice should have been posted more prominently.
No one is interested in Blizzard’s personal diary.


I believe It still was not made published enough.
Though I want to make clear that I personally understand that you have a lot to deal with right now and I just wanted to know what I could do, not to pressure anyone furthermore.

You have a good day now!

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Same situation. Moved from France to UK. No response to my ticket in 3 days.

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Ok but I rarely come to the forums. You must know that most players are only gonna become engaged in the days leading up to game release. I wasn’t even playing OW back in June.

Anyway the real issue is that the area code to enter a phone number is predetermined by the region and changing region is a big faff.


Which carrier is it?

is by any chance Lebanon once of the supported countries? I live in the U.S but my friends need a region chance to Lebanon.