Zags level 7 quest

Ok so 1st off Zags level 7 is a joke I get it you get it. Every single talent if it was on any other tear would be a noob trap.

Putting that aside the quest on 7 is tooo damn hard to finish. Like 1 out of 3 games. Not only that but the reward is so minor why? A roch 1 friggin roch for one of the hardest quests in the game…

Am I crazy or do other people think this too?


It is bad.
It could give 3 coaches from the get go but the roaches could have less hp maybe.

I never have a problem finishing this tbh :thinking:

I also mainly pick it for the increased radius, but I do liked the older version better :confused: (with the increased damage)


It’s the best talent in the tier(or more accurate would be other talents are just garbage ever since they nerfed Nydus to oblivion and turned her to TF focus mage as end game role). You take E for the giant killer at 16. Each Maw should be netting you 2-3 stacks alone. You should be hitting some of your Es even without CC let alone as follow up on allies CC. 12 hits, really not that hard.

The level 4 quest is the noob trap after all the nerfs. It will never mount to reasonable damage compared to either of the alternatives which help you in winning the solo lane on top of it all.


Nom nom nom nom Baneling Massacre.


it’s one of those quests people pick for the passive. and why is it so hard to complete, you’re just hitting heroes with infested drop…

True. I’ve got to around 300 stacks in ARAM once and even then it wasn’t doing that much damage. Feels like the splash is just way better for both waveclear and spread damage.

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You used to get it for passive.

It used to give extra damage and then AoE increase that was least important. Now you get passive that helps getting weak reward pre-16.

Volatile Acid + Baneling Massacre
If enemy (tries to) freeze the lane, you ignore minions, let them kill each other, let xp globes expire, while sieging enemy towers.
If enemy blocks Qs, well, he just took damage.
If its Chen, Leoric, Misha, D.Va, you pick Serrated Spines. Otherwise one of the other lvl 4. I prefer Envenomed Spines, because you got Q splash already.

If enemy fights you… Well you still can siege enemy towers from safe distance D: Cant think about any hero right now with same siege potential, with lane contested.

There is a reason Q build wins so much :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT - and its great for waveclear heavy objectives, there is that.


How many matches have you played with Zagara? Which Rank is she now? I’m just curious

On EU 154 games level 26.
On NA 80 games level 18.
Combine games from smurfs and it would likely be somewhere between 250 and 300 games total on Zag.
The Q talents at 7 used to be go-to talents before they erased her splitpushing role via nerfs while E used to be ARAM talent basically. Now all you got is E at that tier as that extra roach with better giant killer deals notable damage. She doesn’t need extra help to clear and the new level 1 Q doesn’t make the extra banelings worth while. The slow was mostly for splitpushing to give her time to run if somebody came but again that playstyle no longer exists. These days Zag is just free kill when somebody comes to gank her.

You must be trolling right now. Qs had terrible winrates and popularity for a longest time, with Bile Drop completely dominating the tier for ages.

What is your going to Build now on Zagara?

It’s faaaar from hardest and with Corrosive Saliva that’s a biiiiig dps increase.

No. Only time E talent at 7 got picked was when it gave 10% extra damage per hit which was right after the rework and it only lasted around one month. They nerfed both E damage and the damage boost after which nobody picked them. Q talents dominated in both popularity and win rate after that single month for next 2 years. Only after they gave roaches the GK and nerfed the global to ground people switched to E again because it was only reasonable way to build her from that point on.

Sadly heroes profile only goes so far but the oldest are right from time she still was splitpushing. In the masterleague you can see the brief period of her rework when the E got picked and after the nerfs it was practically all Q there too.

  • 1: E if possible. If you really gotta win the solo lane(braxis and DS only) infest vs low wave clear and Q other cases. The lower CD for E adds up a lot of DPS late game which why you really don’t wanna give it up unless you absolutely have to.

  • 4: Medusa by default. Again if you really gotta win the lane envenomed.

  • 7: E. Other talents simply don’t exist in this tier.

  • 10: Maw. Zag is all about TF nowadays, better globals out there if you want one.

  • 13: Spellshield if you think it gives value. Otherwise W, the extra heals add up more than the 20 armor which is only on creep.

  • 16: Corrosive Saliva. This is where most of your damage and ultimately contribution comes from along with Maw. Big or small hero this hurts bad especially with lower CD and extra roach.

  • 20: Sadly Fury of The Storm. Her level 20 is just giant disappointment. You could pick Maw upgrade but neither will really make much of a difference.

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Q build became popular after 27.02.2019 buffs, which were more than needed.

Developer Comment: Zagara’s Level 7 talents have traditionally been very weak

Man I wish hotslogs had old data…
Like seriously, 20% slow for 1.5s was just silly and was least picked talent. You wanted more? Sure, stop running away and cast Q, lol.
Extra banes were another hot garbage because during the push, when you spam Q, you literally got only 2(!) extra banes. Once, unless you stopped using Q for some unknown reason. Qs recharged once at a time. Thats how messed up the functionality of the talent was.


https ://,,,

This is the best Qs ever performed

EDIT - for example

I don’t want to weigh in on which zag talent is best, but after reviewing them for the first time in awhile, man, they really suck compared to what they used to be. Zag’s talents = booooring.

I don’t have issues with the lvl 7 quest talent; if I’m taking it, then I take it with the %hp damage talent at 16; a 50% increase on her summons is pretty solid for building up lane momentum and for dealing damage in a team fight.

However, I think people are undercutting its power if they’re using Maw with roaches; the cdr from attacking with Nydus is the biggest boost to how many roaches zag can get out in a full E build, which then increases how much pressure she applies when she shows up for a fight between splitting off to lanes or taking camps.

If I’m going maw, then I’m taking Q talents instead – it has cd reduction away from Nydus, it deals splash damage (for a clustered maw) and it adds range to play it safe. Q’s damage is pretty much what her auto attacks do, so they’re only good if it’s burst firing all of them out as she can otherwise just attack for better single target value.

The q slow can seem ‘bad’ as a stand alone, but it’s the best compliment she gets on a hydralisk; she and her summons get a speed boost on creep, so the damage difference of that slow is much more noticeable for her than it would be other heroes; having that slow is a couple more hits from zag and a hydralisk.

Even if people want to claim that her 7 is a ‘bad’ tier, a lot of heroes either have 7 as a damage tier if their earlier tiers aren’t damage-based, or 7 is a utility tier. Zag get’s damage boosts earlier, but she also has utility as well. It’s not a bad deal imo, it just depends on what other talents players took, and if they play to actually make use of said picks.

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I should have said in higher ranks sorry. In bronze you can finish it in 1 min. In a game even with a stun they can easily move out. For instance we right now have games with the top players in the game no question with this quest not bing finished. So it’s not easy to do it vs people who are not wood tier.

Also aware of the level 16 talent 1.75% max hp damage for each summon. It’s the only reason I play her is that 1 talent.

I am higher ranks and I finished it. Without too much trouble.


You come off as crazy. With corrosive saliva at 16 that roach quest is totally worth it. You can melt pretty much any hero with the roach drop and a hunter killer. You can argue that saliva at 16 doesn’t need an additional roach. As for the other level 7 talents? The additional baneling charges are underwhelming but the slow is absolutely a strong pick.