"Yrel is Chen tier" - WTF

I have just seen the biggest insult I have ever witnessed in this game.

I can’t find it again but some person said that “Yrel is Chen tier”.

Feelings aside how I feel about poor Chen, Yrel is NOT a weak hero. I understand where her statistics lie, but I firmly believe that there is something wrong with that picture and it is a L2P issue.

Yrel is a PERFECT example of POWER:SKILL ratio potential. She is my favorite tank, and I NEVER played a tank before her. Ever. I HATED tanking, that role was just not for me. I played Support, Support Specialist, and Utility Assassin. But I saw Yrel on paper, thought she had good design, tried her out, and haven’t regretted it one iota. Yrel is a FANTASTICALLY designed hero. She is perfectly viable, and functions as the best Support/Utility/Tank in the game. She can facetank assassins, hold lane against specialists, outplay other tanks, and provide tons of aoe support, CC, and damage for her team.

Yrel is the best designed hero in the game without question and I have said this before and can’t believe how LITTLE credit she gets. People just don’t like her, maybe because they think she is too hard to play. To me, she is a piece of cake and if I had ever designed a hero, she would be it. She is PERFECT in every way, her kit AND ALL of her talents have their place. It absolutely amazes me that she gets such little attention.

Yrel is not broken, but she is absolutely not a weak hero. If you fail to perform with Yrel, you need to learn to freaking play her. Properly played she will never, ever let her team down. She is supposedly countered by chain CC but she can literally be played to where her spells still remain as effective as possible and if people are blowing CC on the tank then they are handicapping their own team.

Yrel is probably the best tank in the game at this time, because her versatility is off the charts. If she had any more range, did any more damage, had any more of anything she would be OP af. She is in a good place and if anything she will get nerfed, asking to buff Yrel is insanity beyond description.

Her D QWE mechanic is just amazing, her heroics are both godly, her talents are really, really strong. She has no conceivable downside to playing her. I can tell when I play Yrel that people are afraid of me. She is the kind of hero that can’t go wrong in any composition. She is just so good.

Please L2P Yrel, or don’t and keep her winrate as low as possible so she never gets nerfed and I can keep destroying everyone I go up against.

Thanks for reading


You misunderstood.
When they say Yrel is Chen tier they meant she is OP in godly hands, and therefore she needs a nerf. /s


i Agree. I have 80%+ winrate on yrel, and when people suggest buffs to her i just laugh. Light of the naaru lets me easily outheal the actual healer in my match, and i have the survivability and CC of the meatiest tanks. She is literally one of the strongest heroes in the game right now and anyone who says otherwise must not play her very much.


This misguided soul. As much I want Chen to be a good bruiser or tank he no where near the tier Yrel is.
Victim of maining Chen, Sympathy for Chen, or liking Chen. I do not know.

Chen needs serious nerfs.



hear hear!!!

i’ve taken alot of BS over Tyrande, Tassadar, Kerrigan, and so forth but I refuse to take it on the issue of Yrel. She is GODLY and I guarantee you she will get a nerf to her absolutely insane hallowed grounded divine favored avenging wrath. That is like the most crazy OP thing I’ve ever played in this game hands down. It is absolutely insane what Yrel is capable of if you play her right.

her winrate is absolutely no way an accurate reflection of her strength, and is more of a reflection of her difficulty level.

and poor Chen gets hate all the time and says he needs buffs and is useless. Chen has a very specific niche, and it is that he dominates teams lacking mobility and crowd control respectively. even then, Barrel is a really good heroic and can win teamfights by itself. plus, people wasting CC to break Chen out of drinking must really be taking a beating from him.

Chen would rely heavily on a proper draft, so I get it. But Yrel? Yrel bad? Impossible. Whoever reaches that conclusion clearly has no idea what they are doing with her

Yrel tank LUL
(20 awesome characters)


so yrel is tassadar tier?

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Nerf chen?

Nerf Yrel :goat:

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I do like the ‘warrior for support mains’ design, but she’s kind of a hero who’s been held together with duct tape.

Her charge up failed so they lowered her trait cd to try and mitigate it. Which helped, but still didn’t fix the problem.

She was supposed to be a main tank, but couldn’t do it. Largely because of her unreliability. So they pushed her into a offlane bruiser, which she was quite overpowered at during the invincible Blaze/Yrel meta.

That meta needed to be taken down and they did. And they tried to push Blaze in another direction, maybe not that successfully(I think, not too up to date on the state of Blaze), but the attempt was there. Yrel…they just left hanging. She doesn’t have a position to play and they aren’t trying to give her one.

In fairness, she is in fact, better than Chen. But she’s not good.


kind of wish they would just trash that mechanic for both of them. just admit it fails and rework it. theres nothing wrong with that. hell… they had to give sylvanas an entirely new ult way back after she came out because what she was released with just wasnt working out.

well when chen was released he didnt really work well either. we all knew the “drinking” (charging) mechanic was a failure. he could be stopped by any displacement or stuns. look at the game now? there are so many displacements, stuns, and silences. its just not a good mechanic to have at all.

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In fact, I was the one I said she was chen level.
She has no purpose, she is not a solo laner and she can’t tank, she is a bruiser for peeling and being annoying but she is not meta, she is barely used in HL and TL, so I only play her in QM, I love draeneis, I main LFD (female, please don’t judge me and hating me) paladin in wow.
However I have to admit I overreacted about Yrel’s state.




i repeat, Yrel is the best tank in the game, and she has the ability to solo against any of the biggest lane bullies. her aoe damage, self sustain, and knockback make her one of the best solo laners in the game. she is literally invincible 1v1, she wants for nothing in her kit and talents. her only conceivable weakness is her mana costs

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I think I was told once that any hero in the game can be a tank with the amount of support (or double support) provides. I honestly think it defeats the purpose of a tank being an actual tank.
if it’s not competitive anyways. Competitive is different compared to HL, and HL has all kinds of tanks due to rankings. (Imperius main tank, like… what? that one needs to be explained to me)
Yrel fits way more as an offlaner since she is unkillable in the right hands. Prefect candidate for soaking exp without the worry of becoming ganked. looking at the mini map isn’t much as an issue like other offlaners.
Yrel as a…“tank,” other heroes can do the job much better like Garrosh, Diablo, Anub, Johanna, or even Mura (who is considered basic 50/50 which is bad).

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that is the only thing that matters here, Yrel is everything but a ranged assassin. she is stupid OP

It matters, but only in higher level play. That’s the only place I agree with you with that.

Had a game the other day with a Yrel as I was playing Tyrael. I really felt bad for the enemy team (who consisted of two mages, Ana, Diablo, and Muradin). Me and Yrel were constantly on their backline between her jumps and Tyrael’s teleport/movement speed, and when I got Judgement it turned even more nasty. I want to say their Kael and KT ended the game with something like 7 deaths apiece, with Ana at like 4. We went in, went in hard, and let our assassins mop up the tanks after their tanks found themselves with no available support. Easily the most fun I’ve had in a while.

I agree though, a well played Yrel is a terror on the battlefield. Kind of makes me regret the fact that I can’t play her overly well yet.

-> Yrel
-> Tank

Pick one.

Also, she’s rather weak.
Even in Masters she has a 43.3% win rate.

What Blizzard should do is reduce the charge up time of her abilities from 1.5 to 1 sec, increase CD of her trait from 8 to 10 sec, buff Divine Favor’s CDR from 1.5 to 2 sec, and have Maraad’s Insight again grant heal on attack after casting abilities instead of hitting heroes, but have both it and Holy Wrath provide their benefits only when fully charged abilities have been cast.

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(20 awesome characters)

(20 awesome characters)

Well I mean, you can’t really say much about her win rate when you have warriors with still overloaded kits (Diablo, Garrosh, and ETC, anyone?) in higher ranks. Most of the lower win rate warriors are at the lower win rates because everyone everywhere goes for the warriors that have everything and are virtually impossible to take down.