X2 week suspension, is this warranted? Ideas please for improving this system!

Game has a mute, block and disable chat function. For anything else (legal stuff) people should write a real appeal over a web form to Blizzard and not just click a button after a game they lost.

Reporting in this game has become the main feature and some kind of sport. My account has been suspended already, and now I basically report everyone these days, too: Someone sitting in base when the game started? Reported for afking. Someone not being at the objective? Reported for afking. Someone having the most deaths on team for no reason? Reported for Feeding. Someone talking dumb stuff? Reported for abusive chat… If that is what the community and Blizzard wants, then I am in as well.

No, you’re supposed to report it first, and get that guy muted/suspended/banned, instead of saying something back and giving him ammo to report you.

Indeed. I had a friend told by a GM that it’s against the rules to type in chat “report x player” if they are for example dying on purpose, AFK or being abusive as that is considered “a threat”, of all things.

The system should be improved, but I don’t think there is any desire for change, regardless of the end game question about my “feels” regarding the reporting system.


In other words, be a sheep.

No, but I get it. Don’t take it to the heart, ignore quickly, preferably report as well. One shouldn’t escalate the issue.

However, sometimes a mild retort might be warranted and understood.

And it is. There is no lawyer trolling in this game, one report doesn’t do anything.
If the OP manages to retort frequently enough to get banned, either he is constantly playing with trigger happy to report idiots, or he is legit triggering it, possibly by overreacting.

Maybe Europeans have a thicker skin and understand the value of honor (knighthood tales and all) and a bit of patience towards each other, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue here.

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I wouldn’t call being a jerk to someone, honor. “Mom, he started it!” didn’t work in kindergarten, so I have no idea why people think it should work anywhere else. Restraint, dignity, and remaining calm in the face of opposition were virtues when I was growing up, and it is a shame to see that those are considered weaknesses theses days.

The Buddha would have wept to see it.

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I consider it a strength. Being able to remain calm is much harder and takes much more courage than flying off of the handle at every small insignificant thing.

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Well it took FOUR MORE YEARS but my account was finally perma-banned. For those who care, it was -still- trolls that got to me. Remember, if someone throws the game, is on purpose feeding, etc, don’t you dare ask what the !@#$ they are doing! You’ll as well be perma banned.

Just do what I have been doing the past 7 years. Only play with chat closed. Never talk and just mind your own business. Only ping once and if people dont react then its not your fault.

I dont remember a single good game when i had chat turned on that was not filled with toxicity. 8/10 times its just toxic players trying to get others banned. Or 4 stacks that takes advantage of solo players.

You tell someone who has the tools to go back to base and defend you are just meet with unmature responds. Tell someone to go take camps and they just ignore your request.

Then they start complaining that you are not healing or tanking when you go down taking the camp yourself.

Or someone who dives into 3v1 and cries he had no healing when his healer is on the other side of the map trying to keep the others alive.

There is a reason why all the good players have already left the game and now we just have the remaining zombie players left who cant put two and two together. And the minority who are still good at the game have to endure those everyday.

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Thank you, yeah. I mean, after spending (wasting?) the last five years of my life w/ HotS, I’m wondering if I have it in me to try and start over. Considering for starters, there’s a game suspension instead of just a permanent chat ban, which IMO is a better solution. (If I was say, doing things to affect the nature of the game in say, purposefully feeding, sure I’d agree ban me from the game itself.)

People will be toxic, yes, but I’ve made an entire group of online gents through chat, that I know will be lifetime friends. Those kinds of WoW players you meet, and you now talk about when they’re able to come visit. Had lots of great times yes, chatting with folks, helping teach people how to play the game. Even so recently as helping someone brand new to DW, learn his mechanics in a rando ARAM game. I just think the system is flawed. If I use naughty words, isn’t there a filter for that? I’m not doing anything awful like wishing harm, nothing anywhere near that. What do I do on social media when a person annoys me? Block them.

There’s yes, also the major, major problems you addressed. I’ve no idea how to fix them, or this community. Seems like you said, yeah, it’s the few vs the many.

Best way to enjoy Hots is mostly just find people you can trust and stick with only playing with them. Never que alone.

Sounds like your ban was entirely your fault and now you’re mad you’re facing consequences for it.

Good luck to whatever gaming community gets to suffer with your toxic chat next.


As someone who talks a decent amount of smack in game, I have never been suspended for it… and I talk quite a bit.

The worst that has happened was a 3 day silence.

To get SUSPENDED for abusive chat means you absolutely deserve it. Holy cow.


I do the same, too. I have gone back to review some of my own replays and in games where I performed really well, I saw that a duo or trio on my team was complaining about me the whole match, despite the fact that i ended the game with most kills, least deaths, most siege and Hero damage, and most exp. If I had chat enabled during those games, I’m sure it would’ve tilted me and made me perform much worse, even if I didn’t respond in chat.

I hope you do and you give disabling chat a try. You may end up finding it very liberating. You can always message people after the match if you enjoyed playing with them and then use voice to communicate during a match.


Chat penalties stack and increase exponentially in length. After enough penalties, it can result in a license/account closure.

Meaning, you’ve had a history of warning after warning after warning. Second chance, third chance, fourth chance…

Based on what you claimed four years ago about bettering yourself, is sounds like that didn’t pan out.

Based on your history, do you have it in you to start over and ultimately keep the account? I’m not saying you don’t, just saying it’s something to seriously consider. Losing another account would certainly be wasted time.

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That’s because your “documentation” was spam, just like you’re doing again with all the repeated blizzard bot drivel.

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If someone is being a jerk in your game. Just mute them and keep playing.

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Seems reasonable.

  • There are politer ways to ask.
  • Asking wasn’t going to accomplish a single thing.
  • The poster below you sympathizes with you – in the same post in which they proclaim that the only proper way to play is to do exactly what they say while also explaining that they refuse to do what other people say.
  • You yourself admit to having gone too far in another game. History thereby indicates that you have no clear idea what constitutes “going too far.” The fact that you’re better than you were has no bearing on whether your behavior is actually acceptable.
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