Wow... these patch notes

Anub doesn’t need a nerf, all we need is his cocoon to be a skill shot and that will make it way easier to deal with or counter in lower ranks and in diamond+ anub isn’t that much of a problem really (people know how to play against it so it’s not as oppressive).

I hoped a nerf for Maiev not opposite, nerfing Q build for Zera is pointless, just buff his other talents so it won’t be all about EQWE anymore.

I like Lunara but buffing her over and over again is a bit OTT.

I really like changes made to tanks and supports, to all of people who are moaning about Anduin, learn how to land your CC and he’s not a problem at all.
Increasing cd on throw (garrosh) won’t make anything better or worse, it’s the fact that he can throw people not how often can he do that that’s pissing people of, same with cds on dibbles, 1 second doesn’t make any difference for tracer when she’s getting smashed into wall then chucked over and smashed again (however that sounds pests)

Alarak, I love it and I hope that you won’t start nerfing him straight away,
He is the only character who is godlike in good hands and absolute trash in hands of a noob and 1 death in mid/late game does the same job pretty well :wink:

Cant wait to come back to my Guldan and Malganis :slight_smile: people will start complaining about these two in next few days.

Regarding Malthael and Ragnaros, all you have to do to guys is to give them baseline globe quest like Rexx ars(collect 20 globes to get 20% passive armour) and that’s it, for malthael you could attach this quest to his ulti and make it 10 globes or so.

Biggest problem with Ragnaros is that he is super duper squishy and believe me 75hp is nothing for melee assassin, to have shields he’s got to go one way, to have decent self heal he needs to go another, he’s just too spread apart to have what you think he does have all the time.

Last one will be Jaina, I do not understand why anyone would decide to nerf lance build, like why? just buff her other talents because they absolutely 5u6k,
Jaina is like Kael, Bombs or lance isn’t op and you have to understand that, it’s other talents and other builds that aren’t competitive enough (D build Kael or blizzard Jaina) they aren’t just worth it unless we are talking about QM.

have a nice day

This! Why is such a strong ability not a skill shot…

“This” what?



I actually prefer it to before they dev’s were kicked out, balance patches are much better then a constant stream of new content with no fixing existing problems. Most of the changes lately have worked out for the better.


Because he’s banned all time, lmao


Yea, as a healer main with a lvl 32 Anduin right now… I feel like I have a good idea of how to play him and his strength and weakness… He is a strong healer if you can stay alive, but much like other healers, he requires things to go well and for your team to work with you and the other team to not dive too bad… While I can pump out healing numbers with him, it isn’t any more than other healers. I think of him as more of a utility healer, I feel like I have less output than other healers (Lili, Stu, Alex, Lucio, BW)… But way more ability to save my team when they get in a bad situation. (Provided my ult isn’t interrupted or I am not being dived / chased.

I am curious to know if the people who are complaining about how OP he is actually play him and other healers… Why are people not saying more about Ana right now… Not only can I pump out 100k+ healing almost every game with her, but her Anti-Heal grenade negates SOOOOOOO much that the other team can throw out… (No diving, cancel most healer ults if used correctly, etc)

Ok you’re saying that he is a massive problem in diamond+ and he’s banned all the time.
Are you playing solo or in team of 5? to begin with.
Second of all, are you aware of fact that characters like ana/lunara/naz/lucio/tracer/kt are absolutely demolishing cocoon? and in organised team of 5 cocoon doesn’t last longer than second and a half unless it’s very far away from people.

If there is a problem with anub it will be rewind and 4 CCs one after another but that’s on lvl 20, anyway if enemy team got anub just don’t pick a mage and melt him down especially when people instant pick him when he’s not banned. He is really squishy and his shield gives him ONLY spell armour.

I know what you mean guys but recently I’ve realised that Anub isn’t as oppressive as people think he is, just don’t go mage into him and problem solved.

Would you prefer to play against Anub or Maiev?
And just to clarify I’m playing on EU so there might be a slight skill difference between diamond + in EU and America :wink:

Sorry I corrected my quote… I was agreeing with the need for it to be a skill shot, did not mean to quote his whole paragraph, as I am not in Diamond+ and do not know what it is like there.

Suggests a fix to Anub by nerfing a heroic that is barely used.

At least before you go on the forums acting like you know what you are talking about, do a little research to check yourself.

Cocoon barely used?
I have to admit that I’m playing on EU servers and I’m mostly playing SL but since beginning of SL I’ve seen locust anub once on solo top (this guy did quite good job actually)
Every single other anub I’ve played with or seen took cocoon.
I might be wrong and if I am then I’m sorry but I don’t believe that cocoon is barely used at all :smiley:

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It’s because they finally don’t care about esports. The pro scene dying in this game is the best thing that could happen to it, next up is retail wow.

TBH any info people here gather isn’t official in any way so it doesn’t even matter. Maybe if blizzard showed us where they are pulling numbers from all the players could be properly informed and changes across the board can be easily justified.

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It has a 25% pickrate on US servers.

I suggest a move to EU then

Balance patch notes. Its a balance patch not a ladder or matchmaking patch. They usually announce the big overhauls ahead of time

Hotslog has been showing error with Anub’arak as of late FYI they ended up bumping some talents one tier ahead this is why we have builds like: Locust Swarm (10) → Cocoon (13) → Acid Drenched Mandibles (16).

my point still stands, they have had plenty of time to do both (even fixing the MMer a bit a long while ago but because of a little longer Q they removed it)


Maybe I am the one who doesnt know what they are talking about then.


Generally, I think they should have nerfed everyone’s everything, while buffing Li-Ming’s damage by about a conservative 45%.

I think Anduin was fine before the buffs, especially considering his utility compared to certain other healers, but whatever. I think Anub nerfs were fine, instead of cocoon skill-shot… it’s just nerfs in other ways tbh. I think Malganis is fine, hes always a pain to deal with anyways but not in a too OP way, I think they went overboard with Lunara - just moving for her is an escape/kiting and that’s invaluable, I think Stitches buffs were good, I think Alarak was fine before but meh - I play Li-Ming a lot so yeah…

Overall it was ok, I guess. I’d like more depth added to playing Li-Ming but I doubt that’ll happen.

Anduinn had one issue that was impossible to ignore: Bold Strategy was without a doubt the best talent on the tier. This however, is probably only going to continue to be a problem, because if Bold Strategy isn’t the best talent, it’s probably the worst talent.

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