Winning Too Much? Here's Some Bad Players

Yeah I’m putting him on ignore. He’s been a troll for a long time. He’s ignoring a lot of what I’m saying to just repeat nonsense insults.

I advise everyone to put this loner loser on ignore. The only reason he is making these whine threads is because he has no friends he can vent to.


Lucy lost a game and played poorly.

Wow above 50%? Thats great man

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It has 12 games recorded for this account and your 2 brain cells used that as proof of something lol.

:rofl: :wastebasket:

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Strange how you all are perfectly cool with it when the shoe is on the other foot.

Pretty much my point.

Thanks for making your hypocrisy crystal clear.


Indeed Froggy, that is sound advice.

This thread started off as a pointless rant and unsurprisingly has ended up toxic. Zenas, if you make threads like these are you doing it for feedback or just to complain? If you’re just wanting to vent that’s what The Salt Mines are there for. If you make a complaint thread you can’t do so without the expectation of a reasonable critical challenge of your post and relevant feedback.


It’s not the same. This account is an alt account that I rarely use unless I’m drunk playing HotS. I made this account after my main account got banned from the forums. Hence, only 12 games recorded while your main account with 700 games recorded is at silver 2.

I also don’t make posts crying about the matchmaker or bad teammates and then facetank artanis with a 4s blind.

Literally, not the same.


Yes I am perfectly fine with having some bad matches once in a while
I don’t perform my best myself every match

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ah okay…

Well my account is an alt account as well. And who knows, maybe it wasn’t even me playing it. Since where all just making stuff up why not.

You guys are a trip.


Seems more like he’s complaining about EOMM (or something akin to it), whether he knows what that is or not.

A lot of the criticism of OP in this thread is valid (that clip of him continuing to try to hit Artanis while blinded is… eesh), but that doesn’t necessarily make his point invalid.
If HotS uses EOMM, you’re not going to find a lot of fair fights.

82 posts in and finally someone willing to talk about the topic.

The funny bit is that they all don’t think they have similar Heroes Moments where they just might not be playing at the top of their game. You know, because they all think you are Perfect Play GM level players.

Dont worry about that , everyone has those moments


Of course they do but don’t tell them that. :crazy_face:

Sharing videos like that to win an argument “why you suck” is harassments if you ask me

Lucy is a bit of a stalker, to say the least.

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You need to put this in context. Over here the OP claims he can’t climb in SL with a 60% winrate. I explained to him that if his team has a higher MMR average compared to his enemies he will win or lose more points. I also pointed out to him if he hasn’t played for a long time, his first 10 or so matches have a chance to add or subtract up to 500 points per game.

I say this as if you read the thread he is still hinting at (without stating it) the theory that HOTS is using EOMM against him. Even if this is the case, he could still climb at 60% win rate, I don’t find his point credible or think he is posting in good faith. I do think it’s really sweet that you have kept your mind open enough to support him. I also don’t think the OP should be mobbed or ridiculed.

However, if you write something vague that sounds like a complaint with the expectation someone will eventually intuit that the issue you’re really talking about is EOMM, then he shouldn’t be surprised at the responses he’s received.

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Those two statements contradict each other…

How is this relevant to picking Xul on Braxis?

Obviously trolling at this point.

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The fact he didn’t take Shade at level 1 against a PoA/AA build Artanis on Braxis is even funnier.

That wasn’t your latest match so I don’t know how many matches he searched to find dirt

Apparently his post was a covert thread about EOMM, so yeah. :woman_shrugging: