Win 170-190 points. lose minus 210 points

im at a 43% winrate too… most matches are one-sided stomps and it’s impossible for me to escape. either reset my mmr or just move me to where you think I belong. this is NOT fun

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If you’re losing more than you’re winning then the engine is trying to de-rank you by punishing losses harsher than it rewards wins. So the system is doing it’s job you just need to give it time.

You could also try playing heroes you are better at / that can better carry by doing map macro, soaking, camps etc on their own. If you don’t want to derank that is.


I usually outperform my entire team… but they’re all so terrible.

It’s the personal rank adjustment, its broken.

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How should he carry when he receives trolls and noobs in his games? Explain.

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You`re talking as if there is an actual working system. Lol the matchmaking system is a clown fiesta

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I disagree, I am posting from a smurf account here and now. I myself am a high plat / low diamond player. My smurf was for some reason seeded into bronze 1, playing with teams of noobs and trolls I win over 70% of my SL games and have climbed up to gold 4 so far. If half the people who whine about the match making were 1/2 as good as they thought they were they wouldn’t have the problems that they do. I know when I finally get to high gold / plat on this account I expect my WR to drop to 60% or so until I hit the point where I am at my actual MMR and I creep back towards 50%.
If you can’t carry a team of silvers to a win 70% of the time you aren’t much better than a silver yourself.

If in your opinion you are outperforming your whole team and the team is still losing, I suspect you’re not playing anywhere near as well as you think you are. If you were this good then your team will always be favored by the virtue of you being a player playing way below his actual rank. Unless of course you’re not that good and you are quick to blame your team instead of looking at your own play and what you can do to be better yourself.
In reality you should be able to full out carry games up until you get within 3 divisions of your natural rank. If you are getting consistently dominated, I hate to break it to you, but you are the common denominator on all your teams.

im being honest. im not amazing but I usually am top 2 on my team every match… but its always a dumpster fire

Top2 by what? Stats screen? That’s pointless. Especially if you’re actively farming it for no reason at all.
It’s extremely easy to farm top damage as Ming. But your job as ming is to actually kill people. Hitting 5 different heroes in a row is not going to win the game. You choose what you can kill and you kill it. Or do nothing at all - better than randomly spamming abilities (I think that’s a very hard concept to grasp for some ppl - that sometimes doing nothing IS the best play).

If you don’t win games, you’re not carrying or outperfoming anything. Winning is the only thing that matters. If you need to die 20 times to get core (well that’s unlikely to work, but that’s an extreme example) - that’s better than dying 0 times, topping damage and losing. If you can trade 1 for 1 and save 2 teammates from dying - that’s a winning play. Killing 1 and losing 3 teammates while staying alive - that’s not going to cut it most of the time.

Just a few examples of how you can have very unrealistic view of your own performance.

Stats screen CAN be an indicator of great performance or problems. But you can never make conclusions based on it. And if it’s not in the extremes, it really doesn’t mean anything at all. E.g., if you see an illidan with 10k hero damage and 20k siege damage, that usually means he was religiously doing camps all game long. That could be a very big factor in winning the game (if the camps create realistic pressure) or a very big factor in losing the game (if camps were easily cleared and teammates were constantly wiped 4x5). So again, stats point to a guess to gameplay plan taken, but even that gameplay decision itself doesn’t lead to an answer if it was correct or not. Only when you add up EVERYTHING that was done in the game can you start to talk about performance.


all I know is when I lose my score is good. im not feeding or costing the match by not knowing where to be and when. I get drug down by people who feed. afk. troll. have no idea how to play or draft. its very frustrating. not to mention when I do win, its only 190 points but when I lose, and its quite often given the above, I lose 210 points. at this point I would shell out real life money just to reset my MMR and play where blizzard thinks im supposed to be… instead of this frustration-fest

My friend and I were hard stuck silver for two seasons. Picked up a couple randos and proceeded to go on a 30 match win streak. No, we weren’t carried. We got just as many white text, mvps as we did duoing. Go a head and tell me there isn’t something wrong with the matchmaking system.

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its busted. played 7 hours today… maybe 3 games were fun/balanced. the rest were shtstomps. im just gonna take a break from hots again. its clear the game isn’t gonna change

Hey never heard that one

last game 4 to 27. I had best score on my team. we lost. 3 gold 2 plat vs 3 diamond a plat and a smurf gold with 62% win rate.

I lost 210 points and the game even asked if I thought it was fair. of course it wasn’t fair. why do matchups like this even happen?

The system is broken. Performing above and beyond does nothing for your rank, especially since your rank depends on 4 other peoples skill as well.

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47% winrate.
MVP: 190 points
Loss: -210 points, best score on team…

when is this gonna go back to normal? If you don’t want me plat then why place me there? I don’t like consistently fighting an uphill battle especially considering most matches are completely up to chance anyway.

I literally lose 209 or 210 every game and win only 190. every game. and this is when im MVP or clearly carrying. system is just broken

If you’re under the 50% WR the system is trying to de-rank you. That’s why you have the negative PRA. If you go on a winstreak or just climb back up to 50-51% wr then the negative PRA will go away. Right now the system believes you are ranked higher than you should be based on your skill level as demonstrated by wins and losses. The system doesn’t account for you being MVP or best player on the team as those things are super objective and performance based MMR just causes huge issues that blizzard doesn’t want to address.
In short, git gud.

Even crazier is when you get placed plat 3 at a 60 percent win rate…climb to within 9 points of diamond on positive PRA every game and then all of a sudden start getting double digit negative PRA and forced into below 50 percent win percentage basically being forced into gold league…that my friends is a broken and bad system.