Why was I placed into Platinum?!

I’ll be the first to admit that I suck at this game. I haven’t played any mode with draft in years. I lost (more like got crushed) in all 3 of my placement games for storm league…and it put me in Platinum 5?! I should be in Silver at best since I’m not very good at all. What’s happening?! Do I have to just get crushed down into my proper rank or should I just wait until next season?

If you previously played either team league or hero league, you will be exempt from the initial silver placement

I swear this game matches lower ranking players higher than they should to try to help que times and the whole forced 50%. I can not give you much of a answer beyond that.

yeah. that happened to me before. the past sometimes i would start in silver or gold, but now i start in bronze cause of whats happening since i came back to play the game.