NOOOO, you can’t just use logic in my moba!
Like I said: Tassadar’s baseline combination.
Anyway, it is what it is. You have to expect that some people will be upset. They will either move on and grow to like new Tassadar, or stop playing him. I’ll try him. I’ll be honest though, I find it hard to care about yet another ranged assassin.
His baseline combination only makes him a support because of the shield. That’s my whole point. He retains everything else yet changed the shield. The only odd man out is his shields which drastically changed his role.
They replaced his shields with a bursty ranged attack. If they’d replaced it with a Brightwing-like armor aura (for example), he would still be a support. Removing shields alone did not change his role. It is what they replaced it with (and tweaking numbers, of course).
No, we understand your point and that you liked the rework, I liked it as well. But saying that now people who liked Tass can just play Zarya cause it’s the same, that’s a really big bs.
This all is just like when you are the only one who hates a rework and everyone disagrees with you and show lots of facts. You just say everyone is wrong and you are right. Now everyone is saying how you are wrong and you still don’t believe it. It’s kind of annoying tbh.
I think you are right in some things you write sometimes, but this is not the case. If you can’t see the difference between Tass shields and Zarya shields, I don’t think you should be playing support anymore. Maybe don’t even play hots anymore, since this is basics.
I’m just saying what pros, hgc players, GMs/masters, comp players say. Just tell any pro player that drafting Zarya for shield to a hypercarry and drafting Tass for shield to a hypercarry is the same thing. You will see how much they will tell you you are wrong because both shields are very different. Just go and ask. Like, literally, asking pro players what do you draft when you want more siege potential they will say Zarya. What do you draft for shields they will say Tass.
And no, I don’t want her changed to be more supportive style since her being a bruiser/support is just too much fun. One of the best things about Zarya is that she does A LOT of damage, has A LOT of siege potential and supports a bit. Changing her into full support will be another extremely bad change.
But you’re replacing it with a support ability… don’t even think of it as a shield, just think of it as its most basic part. That it’s a support ability. You change that one support ability with damage he’s an assassin. But if you replace that support ability with another support ability he’s a support. Now I’m not trying to say it was the shields being shields that made him a support, but the fact that he had a strong support ability over his natural kit that forced that role.
Tass shields were different, sure. but in all the wrong ways. They were just vastly superior to Zaryas shields, and were absurdly broken. Zarya’s shields still supported hyper carries, and still do. But Tass’s shields worked better only because of how bloated and overpowered they were. it was going to be weakened or removed no matter what, and they would have just become too similar. There was no universe the leech was going to stay.
Zarya is still really good with hypercarries. She just doesn’t cause an insta win situation when you pair her with one like Tassadar did. And that again, was a flaw with his shield.
Like this is an argument I can agree with. Lifesteal was definitely a problem to balance Tass.
But I fully disagree with both shields being the same thing like you said before and that you can just play Zarya.
I mean. The lifesteal was gonna be removed. No matter what. And what happens when it gets removed? They become the exact same. No longer is tassadar the amazing hyper carry support. he would be in the same boat as zarya which is still good for hyper carries but actually balanced.
Who cares? i enjoy roles and heroes requiring a brain to use.
I don’t give a damn if the bulk of casual players can’t play them.
There are tons of assassins for them let us have our less than ten supports.
And like i said it is the principle i hate. I hated what happened to chromie so i hate even more what happens to tass especially when there were previous iterations of him that could have worked as a mage with some number tweaks or talents.
I’m not saying you can’t care. Just saying not many do and that it’s not all that profitable for blizzard to spend very precious dev time on something a small % of the playerbase will play.
It’s why there are so few supports, and why tass was reclassed as an assassin.
Look. Maybe someday you’ll get your Sentry support that plays exactly like what old tassadar played like but uh… more balanced. Probably a hero fully all in on support rather than a hybrid.
I will soon create a build of Tassadar as support and place it in Hero and Skin Suggestion as my repeated work.
with this problem that tass shield is similar to zarya,he dont have such thing to say and most of this will be Exercise.
Tass has not any problem if we want to imagine him as a support with his old build but I think with new build this shield will be in practise useless,he sure dont need it.
because they dont think about new build,I have personaly have several ideas about Support an work it in Hero and SKin Suggestion.
you can see it in my post.
It is okay and you get win this race yesterday,but know it that support roll dont summarize on these reapted system that follow them.
It won’t be tassadar though.
People get invested in heroes they spend time on.
Look. Don’t waste your time trying to include another Tassadar. it won’t work. You’d be very deluded to think it ever would.
Your best bet is to come up for a Sentry hero that plays and feels like old Tass.
Well Tassadar still exists. If it was the character and not the kit… he is still there, mostly the same. But he fits better with his lore counterpart. So if you truly cared about the character, you should be happy about that.
But if it’s just the kit… then I don’t understand how a Sentry hero would not do.
I mean I’m not hopeless. You are coming off that way. Do you really think anyone would listen to you? They JUST remade tassadar. You think they will see your post and have an instant change of heart? Get real, man…
I wonder if you could say the same if they made a Warcraft hero who can summon infested erm undead minions and infest erm defile structures.
But hey stukov is in the game XD
You took the words out of my mouth. Dont try to reason with him
I mean, my complaint of stukov was that he was nothing like his lore counterpart and that they failed. So no I was never attached to a kit I was attached to the character. That is the difference. You seem attached to the kit more so than the character, because Tassadar became more like his lore counterpart not the opposite. And that should make any fan of tassadar happy.
Don’t try to reason with me? Explain how I am being unreasonable? I am trying my best to stay as logical as possible.
I dunno it’s just kinda disrespectful to put me down like that. I mean I am treating this with respect and am really putting in a lot of work and effort into each and every response. But I just get called a troll or unreasonable even though it’s just an open debate.