Why is Matchmaking still so horrible after all these years?

Agreed. Matchmaking is all over the place because these players can all be matched in the same game together:

  • New players with less than a month of game time
  • Players who haven’t played the game in months or since beta/alpha
  • Smurfs
  • Players who only played AI and is a high-level account so can’t tell if they are good or bad.

The game also seems to think that as long as there is one good player (diamond) and one bad player (bronze) on a team, then it’s considered balanced but this game doesn’t support carrying. It just causes frustration for the diamond player because one person doing bad dictates the game.


I think a better question would be:

How does one gauge a players performance in a fair and non-biased way for nearly 100 heroes to thousands of other players and match them accordingly and keep queue times low?

Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. But I do understand how tough it can be to come up with a system. Stat weights, how heroes are played by each person, wins, loses, and times spent. It’s just a few things I can think of that complicates things to get a better match without waiting an eternity for that special someone that is equal to you.

Also, don’t forget it’s not always Blizz’s fault. People game the system to ruin the game. Pro players OFTEN play together on new accounts, just so they can stomp new players.


2nd game. 11 kills to 30 kills. Braxxis. We got none of their towers, they wiped us. The matchmaking is trash.

I’d rather wait longer for a fair game then just get slaughtered every game. It’s more fun to have a balanced game. Nobody likes getting rolled every game.


Just played my first TL ranked game since a few weeks.

Lost the fort and the keep to the first immortal and got behind by 3 levels after 7 min.

I had a freaking toxic HL grand master in this game too. And he wasnt even good, greedy af in his decision making.

Those kind of game kill my mood. You just feels like sh*t after getting ROLF stomp.

Bad mm slowly killing this game day after day.

Only way to enjoy for me this game now is to play vs AI. Pretty sad. I used to love playing Hots.

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Another thing to remember is if you are playing on the weekend, game quality will be much worse because there are many “weekend warriors” who only play a few games per week on the weekend. Unfortunately these players are mixed in across all skill levels and their MMR will never really decline because they don’t play enough games.

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When the games are that bad, half the players just “let it end”, and I don’t mind. I’d rather let the other team win after obvious terrible matchmaking and hope the next game is fair.

What a spirit dawg 20


there is no mm the ban bot depopulated the game something like 80% are chat spam reports. people left when friends they know far better and spend time irl got perma bans on top of the permabans.

I played this game to confirm what i was hearing. this game doesn’t have league of legends player base and you can see the same thing is happening to overwatch now too. ban bots don’t work they only make everything worse.

goto youtube
itoycat I ran my server like a communist nation.

enough said

I rather have rumba decide to ban me then the nonsense hots uses.

seriously watch the video and learn how sheep people are about the ban bot.

Not enough player.

If the game server has 2 GM, how would the MM will find another 8 GM for the 2 GM? It can’t so the system will throw a rainbow match for the 2 GM.

At this point, either you play rainbow game or no game.

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correct I personally know I would have been banned n these forums by now if this was a year before the account was made based on the posts ive made. my friend was that’s how. the only difference is they have made it so you cant swear the content is otherwise unchanged the guy is my best friend and I talked to him at length to make sure of this. I made this account to verify what him and a dozen friends had said about the game.

  • matchmaking is bad at actually matching MMR.

  • the game is bad at actually calculating mmr.

  • Players are not really punished for afking/feeding/refusing to participate.

  • a lot of players, often some who are decent at the game, get auto silenced in droves, often for chat that isn’t provably, consistency toxic. This drives away many of the more skilled players, leading to even worse matchmaking. This also makes people who weren’t silenced want to talk less, leading to more losses and eventually people leaving the game.

  • constant balance changes aimed at bad players, creating an environment where skilled players have less reason to even play the game, much less get better. this once again leads to good players leaving the game, making matchmaking that much worse.

TL;dr: a the matchmaking algorithm itself stinks, MMR calculation also potentially stinks and the devs actions AND inaction is causing more and more players to leave.


This. There used to be tons of high level experienced players.
The ban bot removed most of them.

Becauae is not like this my suggestion vers. of the game.

Read carefuly and think long time until you say what is so bad.

" Survival lvls"…
What can help these " Survival lvls"…for MM?!
With that way we can play with players wich are so carefuly ,know how to avoid dmgs,when to.attack, when to run back safe,and these 20 avhievements assist a lot for 1 won game.

" Increased Ranked points"…

With such increased ranked points we can offset these our 200 lose points. And can tuning this avarage 50 % win rate system.

And other my suggestions also can help for quality games.

Bwcause peoples…start vote up for my topic or suggestions.

Please do it if we want the game be better and this way…Blizz would take for high priority and start work on such vers. of the game!.

Many so stup* d guys tell me to now is bad vers. Because such young peoples dont know what factors are much more important and they judge humselfs for high smart or high intellected peoples…but they wrong so much!!

Nobody gets banned from this game. Nobody ever has been banned from this game. Smurfs exist.

Matchmaking always have been bad and it will never be fixed. I recommend you to find a better a game out there, which is something very easy to find.

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Normalize the heroes more. At least the matches will be more fair.

Nice necro, even Xul was shocked.

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What’s more if everything is just as bad as it was years ago.

Wow, it wasn’t even me this time. Does it still count if I was quoted in a necro post?

I honestly, can’t even begin with this comment.

Simple wrong design this game: 4 other players DETERMINE your PERSONAL rank… that is all!
If you play well but 4 other no or have 1-2 AFK YOU lost same MMR point as your afk teammate… sad story