Why I love ARAM

I have been playing a lot of ARAM lately with a couple of friends. We don’t always win, and sometimes the picks we get are less than ideal, but today we had this insanely fun game.

Me and 2 friends were in a party, we got matched with a two-stack. Now I don’t know what divine silent communication happened between us but me and the two-stack all picked Lucio, my friends picked Tychus and Thrall respectively.

It was chaos but it was the most fun chaos I’ve been in in a while. It took some time for us to be able to really push, and the Garrosh on the other team definitely gave us trouble when he hit his throws. But we actually managed to win that game! With a lot of noise pollution, soundwave-booping, and some well-placed turrets by the Tychus.

Do you have any funny comps from ARAM, either played yourself or played against? Another notable one I lost against was a double Artanis, double Nazeebo, Stukov comp.


All I know is, playing against Azmodan, two KT and Chromie doesn’t give you time to do anytthing but dodge.


A couple memorable aram comps for me.
I once got a team of zarya and 4 healers. Zarya spent the whole game super charged and did ludicrous damage. She got to stand wherever she wanted and just channel her death laser.

Also back when leoric was legal, I once got a team at 3 leoric and 2 rexxar. all the leorics just died on forts repeatedly and the rexxars just stalled. We won the game with almost 100 deaths. It was pretty silly. :stuck_out_tongue:


Playing E build Alexstrasza with a pocket Morales stimdroning me was fairly entertaining, as was a triple Raynor comp. So many Hyperions!

But I had an ARAM last night that must have been pure misery for the enemy team, as I was one half of a double KTZ comp. Mind you, I am terrible at KTZ, but with so many slows, spikes, and chains flying around, it was inevitable that I would hit something!


I had a game as double Murky. We got our slime time quest very quickly as it can proc off ally slime. He went March of the Murlocks and I went Octograb. The enemy team spent so much of the time slowed from slime and it was extra fun as they had no speedy AA heroes.

I particularly liked using Octogab when the enemy was in the Murlock ult, whack, whack. It was a pretty easy win and I remember the other 3 players saying we had lost the game by taking double Murky. I love that about ARAM, anything can work.


Do you have any funny comps from ARAM, either played yourself or played against?

I still remember the time my team all ended up with Kael Thas. Im pretty sure we lost that one too lol.

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had a game where we had 3 brightwings and we won, that was fun.

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I loved reading all of your replies ^^

Today me and my friends got another chance at a triple threat: Deathwing. I saw me and 2 of my friends were able to pick him and I immediately yelled to go triple deathwing. We coordinated our landings and we tried to coordinate our other abilities but it turned into a big fiery mess haha.

We did win in the end, but we were lucky the opposing team didn’t have any tank shredders. I think a Tychus could have easily cut our fun short

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