Why do completely fine heroes keep getting reworks?

At the time - increasingly stun heavy meta came in which shut down Sonya and Sonya poor talent diversity.

Also here you are again arguing with people again.


Because liberals only balance by feelings

Simple. They weren’t completely fine. Stitches had 1 build (on his most boring ability) for one example. He wasn’t fine.

Plus it needs to be done for the upcoming role changes.

But I understand that someone like you, who don’t really play those Heroes didn’t see their need of attention.

Also, just because a Hero receives a rework later doesn’t mean it’s a lower priority. It might just mean it’s a lot harder job which needs more time, effort and thought. More work.


Because some people on the forums keep making salt threads about certain heroes which are fine and have been for the longest time but cant play against them personally.

Then all the other 3 players who have the same problem tag onto it.


Let’s see:
Brightwing was the worst healer in the game and the most boring to play.
Lunara was consistently one of the worst heroes in the game. And the worst assassin.
Sonya was annoyingly OB for ages because of one skill which they keep trying to fix without breaking her.
Stitches was a one trick pony.
Aba had one mildly effective build post ammo rework and was totally safe while doing it.

And reworks take time and people. Plus many of your ‘Needs rework’ heroes have had reworks and were once even worse.
For instance: Tychus. Yes he’s a niche hero. In that niche he’s a god of murder. He was once worthless, but he got a rework.
Nova was once only good for noobstomping and had a grand total of one effective build.
Glaz used to be a joke. Now he’s fully capable of wrecking face.
Tassadar has the unfortunate distinction of being both incredibly weak and incredibly OP dependent on both teams. That’s a challenge to fix.


Not true. Lunara has always had a place in the game pretty much. She’s never been the cream of the crop, but she’s never been nova tier either. I think most of the perception that she’s weak comes from people who don’t understand she has to play slowly. She’s not about getting kills, she’s about straining the enemy healers and racking up big damage over the course of the game.

Which she simply couldn’t do before her rework. Hence the rework. There was basically no reason to take her at all. She had a niche and was a total failure in it. Kind of like old Tychus.

Her power peaked at ‘Kind of annoying’, which is an issue and why her pick and win rate were both in the trash. She couldn’t outpoke anyone but the slowest melees. She couldn’t deal with coordinated teams at all. She was a painfully slow laner. And her damage was so low that the effects on healer mana was negligible at best. Especially when you take into account the many other hit and run characters that did more damage, faster, and more safely.
She was somewhat effective in low tier QM, but even then there were just too many counters.

Why ?

There is absolutely nothing i wouldnt outperformed the current medivh with me using the pre-rework medivh.

Manual portal should had been a base line since the start . tier 1 was the only tier i would always pick the same thing ( portal mastery ).

People kept complaining that he had only 1 build and ive shown on many occasion that he didnt. I made multiple guides on how to play him efficiently and how to select each talents and people still cried about him having only 1 viable build.

The current portal mastery is a mess. Its much slower to place the portals. I dont care about placing portals as a bird but that delay in the portal placement was never fixed but even with that issue , portal mastery remains the best talent of lvl1 no question.

They changed him so playing vs him was less frustrating and changed his talents so lower skilled players had an easier time selecting which talent they should go with.

I still play medivh now , yes. But am i dominating as much as i use to ? Not even remotely close !

Im willing to debate but there will be very few things the new medivh will outperform the old one. (Outside of some talents i admit are much better and should had been from the start like raven intelect )

Mainly increasing base W and E cds.

Do you every get tried of complaining?!
You need some positivity in your life…

Then if i get your point , what was needed with medivh wasnt technically the rework but rather the nerf ?

How did medivh went from being seing as " weak and useless " character but after the nerf he was somehow seing as “much stronger” ? All that mostly by the same group of people who couldnt play him to begin with .

After his rework we were flooded with new medivh players who thought that the rework would make them play better , then gave up .

If we merely took old medivh and just nerfed E and W cds he would be worse than current iteration.

Let’s not pretend circle of arcane explosion never existed.Medivh rose to 48% winrate and was breaking the game with or without Diablo so some people kinda got more successful with him,for a time.

Is this really an issue though?

What are you talking about, Sonya had like 1 build needed a rework. Stitches needed something because the hero is one of the least picked tanks in the game. BW had few talent selections there was practically 1 build for the hero.

Tassadar got a rework, but needs another, NOVA has had several changes.

Junkrat is still a pretty newish hero and is in a great spot.

Tychus has a place, does his role rather very well.

I dont even know what your complaining about.

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Medivh’s talent diversity was bad. His cds were op. The rework was welcomed and necessary imo as well.

When? It was a rare ban. You don’t see Sonya much other heroes do her role better.

I’m still upset about the Valla rework.

The person who calls for the most reworks in the game is now asking why there are so many reworks. Ironic.


Wat u smokin? can I haz some plz?

  1. Troll.
  2. Not on the Heroes he asked on.
  3. Since he asks reworks on Heroes he mains or wants to main, if it’s not an overall buff, he’ll complain.
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Haha. The fact that he thinks stitches or Sonya was fine is golden. Sure they were strong but their talent diversity sucked at the time.

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