Whitemane infinite inquisition range vs maiev

Heroes: Maiev, Whitemane, gul’dan

The ability of whithemane (W) and gul’dan(W) can follow maiev after the blink and they can also do this out of range of their ability

It’s the graphic that keep following them but the W channeled abilities should stop early once the next tick of damage is about to take place outside of regular leash radius.

i know but i have a replay that you can see this bug.
In the post i can’t include the link of my replay to show this bug and i don’t know how to show a screenshot.

In particular if you blink away whit Maiev D during whitemane W channel the channel don’t stop and continue for all the cast.
She was in the middle of the line and me was under my fort

It will only stop certain ticks of damage from occurring but it will not interrupt enemy ability tracking or the ability channel itself.

It it were so, her D could be used to interrupt the build up to Kael’thas Pyroblast channelled cast just as well as it can be used to run into it directly to completely avoid the damage.

What you think should be happening is achieved through gaining Stealth, Stasis or Invincible (notably the custom trigger on Nova hero or similar manual cast abilities). Maiev’s D is classified differently than these two and has.

If you disagree, you can always send a replay with brief explanation in for a review.

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Thank you, because you have explained to me the reason of why the cast continue after the blink.

But the bug is about the range of the w of whitemane, infact she continue to cast the ability out of his range.

i have send the email with the replay. Thanks for the link

ps: i can’t insert a link in this post (no permission) otherwise i could show you. Sorry