When you have more free time than usual

If they are all vs AI games, it could be botting. Apparently it’s not that uncommon in vs AI, but that’s just what I’ve been told by my AI main friends.

I kinda would prefer on this one occasion to believe it’s botting, because that’s one very, ehh, focused Hammer main and ten thousand hours of their life! :grinning:

I hope it’s botting, I don’t want to believe that someone would willingly do this… It would take some “special” kind of person to actually do this (even more frightening if they enjoy it) lol


I would rather not play against that hammer.

I’m not even sure I’d want to play WITH that hammer… I’d have too many questions…


some of us don’t have a job :stuck_out_tongue:, playing +10k games with a single hero is impresive, but the total games is not.

I don’t want to play with ANY Hammer, no matter what team.


I did and i made the mistake of not taking the player seriously . i let you guess what happened lol

It CAN only be botting with that much games played. You need to spend 20 hours each day for years to reach that lvl.

i actually encoutered that same player again today lol

i was glad to get my revenge this time around lol :sunglasses: