Whats your most losing streak?

Mine was 16. It was not a fun week.

My worst streak was probably during my first Master Promotion, that i lost, then lost game after game til i fel down to D4.
Might have been lack of focuz being abit mad and all, but that was a tough day.
Tok a break for about 2-3 weeks, came back and rose to Master 3000.
Sometimes you just need to recharge the HOTS batteries to get focuzed again.

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Ghostdunk proved it mathematically, twice, that group of higher MMR player with lower MMR player got higher chance of winning than group of average MMR players. So better player got bigger impact (first based on 1.9m hotslogs replays, later based on nearly 1m. Uploads dropped a lot).

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Think this is more of a opinion based discussion, whatever you define as “Carrying”.
Some consider “Carrying” as the league of legends type where 1 man can run the whole show with 1000039459 kills.

Some consider it like you do, that he has the higher impact of a match and can nearly controll the match 100% in his favour.

To each their own.

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I think my longest is 7 games in ranked. I’ve had win streaks twice that long in ranked as well though, so it is all relevant

Basically my response. If you matched best hots player (no way to decide but lets just say there is) against 2-6 and gave the best bots/bronze he’d lose. That’s because individual skill isn’t what wins games its team skill and at some point #1 player will lose even while being the best because mechanics make the game team dependent. Even if he could win 90 or 97 percent of his games in bronze.

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If he is put against the “second best” and keeps winning 51 out of 100 games he’s inevitably losing the other 49. Nonetheless he’s still “the best” regardless of not having 100% winrate. Logic 101, “best player needs 100% wr” is BS

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nobody said that. point was that even individual performance of the best player (no matter how good they are) is not enough to win every game regardless of their team. They’re still the best player but they can’t carry everything.

In my opinion that is a good thing to some extent, but ofc losing to RNG is never fun.
It is all about reducing the RNG in your own favour.


Currently 10 in a row and continue to count. All in UD.

like 11 or 12 in a row is my record. A few days ago I had a 5 loss streak on a smurf that dropped me to plat 2, I didn’t play perfectly during any of those games but definitely played well in 3 of them.

vent incoming it can be frustrating when you have a varian who, from beginning to end game, ignores danger/retreat pings when the entire team is rotating on him, gets verbal warnings of the rotation in chat, and then still blames our team for not rotating to help him when we're taking camps on the other side of the map and the enemy team _obviously all rotated down from mid_, or a decimate garrosh who runs out into the middle of nowhere by himself to feed while defending lategame immortal pushing keep, or a falstad who picks his hero for gust and then we lose one immortal in the entire game and manage to lose off of it because he didn't gust out of a good vp from enemy zera followed up by stu silence so I couldn't cleanse our valla who picked into GM and fed into him all game/didn't push with us when we had the advantage because she wanted to go off and try to hunt zeratul, fail to do it, and come back after the push is over at 30% health; our falstad waited until 3 of us died out of that VP/stu silence before he decided to gust. These kinds of things happen, really it's just a matter of being proactive enough to keep those circumstances from developing through shotcalling mostly or just positioning even better (hard to not back off for a possible VP when I'm 2 millimeters from killing both zera and stu as Uther), and it's okay to lose some games because nobody wins 100%

I just wish people would not insta-pick an offlaner when I’m already hovering it, it annoys me so much when I’m hovering chen/samuro and someone locks in varian and says “twinblades” and then proceeds to feed all game, or triple backline comps into zera and I find myself supporting, I don’t want to instapick samuro but I’m just about into diamond on that acct so things should stop being so Pepega soon

I had a 10-game losing streak not too long ago. I had probably been winning close to 80% the previous 15-20, so I knew it was coming. Blizz seems to respond:
-Match with leavers/AI
-Match with potatoes
-Match against counters

-Poor connection/lag/chain disconnects or deliberate leaving

-Assassins that solo lane all game and never rotate out of the lane
-Objective/team fight avoiders who refuse to join in the game, despite signaling
-Healers who insist on soaking/soloing
-Tanks who insist on soaking/soloing
-Toxic players who spend more time criticizing than playing
(Note: this does not include people who are simply bad at their hero. I play QM and I often play heroes I’m awful with, so I don’t criticize that, but rather failure to know core game mechanics. )

Matched Against Counters
-Mage vs dive comp
-Melee vs AoE comp, Stun/CC comp
-Melee vs 4 ranged (the shooting gallery game)
-Squishy (especially with no escapes) vs hypermobile
-5 assassin games vs self-healing opponents (thrall, butch, raynor, etc)
-Tank vs Tychus, Malthael

When Blizz wants you to lose, it can set the stage for it. As the developers note, this is not a game where you can carry. It’s frustrating to play extraordinary games, but lose because of factors beyond your control.

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I have no idea. I’d never bother counting that.

My highest winstreak on the other hand is around 12-13.

Only 15th!? Lucky you…

I totally can relate with this. I usually do this with Overwatch, trying to get prizes or lootboxes. It usually takes double the games to win 9 times. So, around 17.

In this game? probably 5 in TL.

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it happens to everyone at some point…
though i dont recall getting up to 15 in a row myself. maybe around 8-10 at most before hitting a win.

on a side note since its halfway related to losses i found this interesting.

spoiler: shared XP has a lot to do with it

I read this thread. Then went to play rank and went 1w-8l streak.

Thanks forums, lol.

Honestly though, every team I had a troll or diver in my party, I nearly threw my keyboard.


i have been seeing the same. my thoughts are its just bottom of the barrel end of season games. a lot of ppl at the start of the season you know. then as it goes after a few weeks ppl drop off because loss of interest. by the end you have longer queue times and can even get some weird matching sometimes because less ppl.

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I really notice the diffirence in mood on sunday eves and monday
Think everyone is cranky to go to work and weekend is over. And on monday everyone is happy and cheerfull

Or like you said drunk high ect!

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7 losses and looking back to them it’s quite clear most of those 7 were lost because of terrible MMR players playing low lvl heroes while opponents had quite high MMRs. The rest just happened to be lost on drafts

Now I understand that in QM you sometimes lose to draft but put that together with how terrible the matchmaking is with the deprived playersbase and you’ve got the reason why I quit the game some time ago