What are accourding to you the most impactful heroes in each rank

Yeah really frustrating.

Ps i forgot about medivh. Really anoying.

nearly any rank Jack of all trades heroes are the general best rank climbers. Thrall and falstad come to mind. If your actually decent you can take camps, soak lanes, split push, apply map pressure, Win team fights single handed, and just overall win your team the game. Not because of overall power, but due to being able to do EVERYTHING that low ELO players mess up on your own.

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Bronze, Silver, Gold: Azmodan, Kael’thas, Varian
Platinum, Diamond: Ana, Diablo, Zeratul
Master, Grand Master: Hanzo, Jaina, Medivh

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Qm: Butcher
… and any stealth when you go no heal
Games like that are just waiting for end so you can have some fun next game.

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