Went from ARAM to QM

Been doing several weeks of ARAM. Some of it was even fun. Thought I would come back to QM.


Every single game Abathur. Every single game a grief fest.

Abathur was removed from ARAM. Why? Abathur is highly banned in ranked. Why? Abathur needs to be banned from game, period, until he is reworked.


Because too many like to play a hero that dont need to risk himself getting killed while getting carried to a free win.

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To prevent a backdoor exploit. He could wait until enemies are in lane, mine near the enemy core, burrow to the enemy core and then unleash his summons from behind the enemy core. By the time the enemy responds a huge amount of core health is gone. Repeat 2-3 times as GG. This does not work in other game modes as not only does Hearth work allowing faster response time but also the core shield absorbs most if not all the damage.

There was also an issue that 5v5 Abathur was not very fun and quite degenerate. Honestly if they added core shielding they should add back Abathur to the shuffle pick selection now that all same hero no longer happens frequently.

Because his ability to buff a single hero can turn hyper carries pretty much OP. Practically every coordinated team tries to factor in Abathur if possible for this reason, if he was not so banned.


because there are bugs incorperating duplicate abathurs in a mode that allows multiple copies of heroes.

Vague references do not support your case


Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen

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What would happen if Abathur cloned another Abathur?

What hero have you been using? There are certain heroes you can play that are more likely to pair you against an Abathur. I forget which ones but it was off supports like vikings, tyande and tassadar that used to trigger this in QM.

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abathur is useless untill lvl 20 or 16 or so, playing with him is like playing a 4v5 the entire game, unless the enemy team sucks…

I hate the slug too, wish he was gone, life would be better.

This interaction is forbidden by Blizzard because if it exists players will die from the sheer overload of cuteness and adorableness.


That isn’t the reason he was removed because ARAM had backdoor protection ever since it became an official mode (Brawl). You can’t damage the core before Keep and Fort are dead.

Abathur is just very bugged when you have people double symbioting heroes or using several Ultimate Evolutions at once. The game engine in its current state (or even in its’ past state) can’t handle several people symbioting the same hero for example.


Again, I think the solution to abathur is to increase the skill ceiling and lower the skill floor, make him have more buttons to press, moving while in Q (and the ability to Z) would be my suggestion to how to do this, enabling abathur to collect xp orbs in lane (which is risky) while not necesarilly decreasing the frequency he can hat.

No he isn’t. Stop making up rubbish “facts”.

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Maybe at certain non-high ranks

Come to ANZ, it is never banned and never played in ranked.

Still a better deisnged hero then KTZ

Only thing I hate about KTZ is his chain combo on the spike. It feels like its longer then normal casue you somehow get hit by some invisible frames even tho you are out of range.

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It’s Abathurs all the way down.