Waiting for game results

Every time I play a brawl, I get “Waiting for game results…” and while I got get a count towards the brawl’s chest, I don’t get exp for the heroes I’ve played.
I played Butcher in a brawl, and he needs 1 198 971 exp to level up, and he didn’t level from the brawl, so that what made me think I’m not getting exp from them :stuck_out_tongue:
I actually didn’t check my gold to compare it to before and after, but I would guess it didn’t go up either.


I’m getting this issue with the endless “Waiting for Game Results” post brawl as well


Actually now, when I checked my Butcher again, I’ve gotten some exp, without playing any games with him.
So I’ve only gotten the exp much much much later.
Anyways… this Waiting for game results is still quite annoying bug :stuck_out_tongue:

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I really thought they fixed this last year, guess not.


Nope, it’s still there.

These games don’t create a replay either, while most of the other ARAM style brawl maps do create it.

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Hi, I have the same problem. It is unbelievable that such a large company as Blizzard cannot fix for years, when it is a fundamental mistake like this.
I’m losing my nerves and no wonder many people end up with the game.

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it’s not a bug, it’s a feature


Same problem here. There’s just a delay, I receive xp, level up etc… just one game later. But that’s really annoying yeah.


I have exaclty the same problem …


Problem: Every single game I play has the “Waiting for results…” option.

I can’t que up, or friend anyone else. Everyone in the game has been complaining about it, (team chat, general chat)

But, don’t expect blizz to fix it. After all, people only care about updates, so, thats what actiblizz does. New brawls, heros, skins, thats what most people want.

Anyways, its getting on my nerve, game after game I get a really good team that might’ve carried me. But I can’t friend them, no.


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I finally hit 100 on a hero. Happened it a brawl though. Still waiting for game results to see the animation. Oh well, maybe in a few years again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Feb 2020 and it’s still there

Perfect example of why Blizzard are a fkn mess right now. Listen to your fans, but no, it’s all about the money… money money…

April 2020 and the same-_-

Monthly reminder that this is still a thing

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2 years waiting for game results

He-he-hey. Just to remind y’all this is still an ongoing issue. Where’s my box blizzbowski?

w a i t i n g f o r g a m e r e s u l t s