Unpopular Opinion Thread

What’s something you want to say but you might get flak for it?

I’ll Start
Nova: Triple Tap is a really good ult and I usually have a hard time deciding to pick between that or precision strike


Orb Li-Ming is perfectly fine choice on certain maps or compositions, stop seething.


Guldans rain ult is actually a good ult afterall.


it’s the powerful burst, even if thou do not kill anyone with it, thou can still seriously squander enemy heroes in terms of HP.

Rain is situational and more effective with combos. Thou can’t take it against a team with a lot of control, otherwise thy team will be torn apart, and thou can save thy team with Fear. Thou can’t do it with the Rain.

Butcher’s Q build is underrated. :face_with_monocle:

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Viking’s level 16 executioner can actually be useful with a proper team composition

quoting Captain Hammer while playing as Sgt. Hammer


Artanis is viable, dammit.


Meme beam can win games no matter the team comp.

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Samuro is OP and needs a nerf. Either double his cooldowns or have them start once the ability is done. (Mirror Image cooldown start once existing images are gone, Windwalk cooldown starts when he’s out of stealth.)

I am the best medivh that has ever existed in this game.

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Butcher counters Murky.

ARAM should revert back to weekly brawl style. Let it appear every month unlike other brawls, it being popular, I think it would improve overall game experience.

Kerrigan should’ve been a ranged assassin


Bring back Blood for Blood and Vision Sentries we had back in beta.

You should never, under any circumstance, take Stitches E talents at level 1 or 16.

HotS is a reasonably well balanced game FIGHT ME

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Hots is a balanced game and a very well designed Macro game oriented .

I like monkewing

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