Unpopular Opinion: Game Changes

After playing for a while (and I know that’s not much credit), an idea popped in my head to save or revive this games Esports. With much discussion and patience, I think I know the combo to save this game, or at the very least make it Esports worthy.

I just came from a game of QM where we destroyed the enemy and yet, when the core died, I saw that the enemy was just one level behind. No wonder pros who want to get better and better will find HOTS moot. All that work only for the game to reward the clear losers. There is no point in showing what you got if your enemy, who died 8 times is one point under you.


  • This is my suggestion to make game play more dynamic. Make killing a minion give bonus [ Enter variable here ]. It won’t change the game too much but make those who need to, focus on creeps to, leaving more options for ganks/attacks and reservations on when and where to go, and with how much backup.

  • 2nd, Keep everything the same, same dmg, same timers, same everything, but add a mini-shop. I don’t work at Blizzard so I don’t know the dev-reason to not have a shop in a classically… “RPG” game.

As a player who’s forming a rough-amateur team, I don’t see why a simple shop of 10 Items can’t be at the core and ONLY shop-able 1 minute after death; To avoid abuse. To also make it not like League, make all items over 1k gold, so you can’t just farm for K/D and ignore the team, COD style.

So, let’s assume Blizzard took just these two Ideas and worked with them. Lets psycho-analyze how this will effect the game.

  1. More things to deal with, like creeps, means less focus on objectives… So make creeps reward 1 gold per death. (Allotted to the team or the single hero is up to testers to decide. As an afterthought, It should also make support characters like Hammer a little more… dynamically useful. Might have to tweek their stats… Unknown till testing is done. Point is, Maybe instead of defending your base WHILE attacking the others in BATTLEGROUND, make it where once the “timer == 0; teamWithMorePointsCurrently;” must attack the enemy’s camp. And it switches vice versa. This causes the winning team to be more risky, thus could turn the tide. Or not… This is just a thought experiment. The sky is the limit really. If the team is loosing SOO bad, make their shop 50% off…

  2. If each minion kill or even camp kills (once their pushing) rewards 1, Logically, there would be only 1-2 times where your team could buy your +1 melee damage sword. But it would or should be enough to change the game. Of course being better than your opponent will be KEY because you wanna get an item before they do. Also, just a reminder, these can be minor +1 to +3… not %, not some odd floating point / decimal number but simply +1 to melee dmg.

So to summarize, add final kills and add a wee-little mini shop with 12 items.

  • +1 +2 +3 Melee Damage per strike, Health, Ranged Damage, Armour, Mana, Attack Speed, etc… etc…

I’d like to know your thoughts.

(Disclaimer) I’m not claiming to be a master at Blizzard or HOTS but every time i’ve gone into a game, I keep thinking how nice it would be if these variables were in the game. I think it’s the core of what PROS want, and in theory and some luck, could revive the Esports scene… As some players put it… the game is just too… simple.

Those ideas as been discussed for like years on both this and on the older forum. Just search around for why nobody really want none of them on HotS.


If players wanted a shop for there builds, they would just go play league lol

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Eh… HotS just isn’t that type of game.

A game like DotA was built and balanced around an older style. Items help upgrade ‘core’ stats, attributes like movement, attack speed, your maximum mana, add life leeching, and more - but it’s also a system that makes sense because the game was built around players radically changing how their character works. To compare, DotA has character turning speed as a consideration, meaning most characters have an extra hoop to pass when firing while retreating.

HotS just isn’t balanced around that. If I gave a +5 damage to auto attack weapon, Tracer benefits more than anyone else. If I had an item that put an enemy or ally of my choice in Stasis, that might be fine on many characters, but then broken on a Li-Ming. These characters have more clear-cut ideas of how they’ll play out when they hit level 20.

Besides, one thing that frustrates me about DotA is indecisive game endings. What happens when the side that’s winning takes a team fight and eliminates two racks? They go farm the map and take Rosh. In HotS, the team that takes a fight immediately goes to end or cause heavy damage, which imo is more decisive than going around and farming for another fifteen minutes on a won game.

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Posted like 20 posts now, and here are some conclusions/ideas of my own

1 = Items are DEFINITELY not the way, the problem doesn’t happen IN-GAME as much as out-of-game IMO… You kinda need some incentive to play same hero more often (and maybe build-up/level-up), make it a “career mode”, make it feel like there’s some progression. Ranked gameplay feels like regular draft with points based upon outcome, doesn’t feel progress-worth enough

IDEA: Gear = just like in Diablo, in draft you have some 15-20 seconds to pick your gear based upon current draft. Pick a helm, an armor, and maybe off-hand or better weapon

2 = Problem in ranked ? = not enough transparency within teammates (IMO). Possible solution = maximize transparency

Your leader would be able to see your highest win % hero/es, your role% wins, your map-based best, your season-best… Things like that… Literally NO ONE likes that 5th pick of a Murky when team lacks a tank or proper solo laner (Especially when opponent has hero/es like Alarak or Butcher)… SO = in order to avoid that “potential package” of unpleasant surprise (cold shower in draft) for your team = MAXIMIZE in-team transparency

Some say the downside would outweigh the transparency maximization but I thinkit’s worth a shot tbh

3 = This was quite visionary and radical but = since the game’s team-based make the ranked resemble a league (400 players per division within a certain rank)… Whenever hit the “Search game” button = game picks only from those 400 = queues would last max for 20 seconds (IMO)… THIS would solve not just the “cold shower” transparency issue/s but ALSO = minimize MMR equalisation… Right now both Silver and Gold contain 35% of TOTAL PLAYERBASE both, if divide all that playerbase in sub/divisions each with a certain amount of players (ONLY THOSE can be matched with one another) = players would feel that team strengths RESEMBLE one another by all players, not just the average/total

For those interested a bit more = IDK, make a Search on the forum/s

Items is not gonna fix this game, Until they learn how to start matching and ranking players much more properly and deal with players who are game throwing just because they can, nothing is gonna get any better.