Unjustified loss and punishment

Hi, today I was playing a match in stormleague with Muradin on braxis holdout. At one point in the game my ping was going through the roof and the game was basically unplayable. I informed my team, that I was going to restart my router. I was gone for like 20 seconds. After that we won the game. Well at least my other 4 teammates did. I got a loss because I disconnect once in a game and on top of that I got deserter.
Is it possible to get that reversed by a support?


(pointless 20 character rule).

I was in the pick phase, something explodes and I get a new pick phase where there is nobody, no time and nothing to pick. Awesomeness and… B5!!!

you cant even get points back when you win the game and it takes points from you a clear mess up on there part. (has happend more than once to me).

Just like the way they like there women in the work place blizzard is never to be found on these problems. They think they are above the law, you really think they are goign to care about your rank points.

Nope points are gone forever. You hope you do not get trolls and afks and then you have a chance of winning.