Ultralisk egg immune to Storm Bow

IDK if a bug, but the Ultralisk egg from kerrigan’s 20 is immune to Storm Bow. Hanzo literally can’t kill it

EDIT: I confused the names of spells and mentioned Dragon Arrow, his ult, instead of Storm Bow, the basic ability that normally hits minions and mercs.

I expected it to be immune to Scatter and the ults, but it shouldn’t be immune to Storm Bow. Storm bow hits the Ultralisk, it should also hit the egg. Moreover, the splash dmg from Explosive Arrows talent at lvl 4 does hit the egg, but the direct hit does not. Seems like a bug to me.

You didn’t think about how one hero’s convenience affects the game as whole. If it counted as a hero (in order to stop the arrow), we’d have other problems with KTZ, Maiev, Kaelthas. The egg would also lose a lot of value against heroes with giantkiller talent.

Do I even have to mention the bonus healing this would enable to heroes such as Whitemane or Malfurion?

If you are short on damage, you probably might kill it in time with lvl 1 Redemption.

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Are you trying to say that Dragon Arrow correctly ignores the Ultralisk Egg, since it is not a hero, but then incorrectly ignores damaging the Ultralisk Egg with its AoE damage that damages all enemy units in range upon impacting a hero?

That does sound like a bug but it might be similar to how some AoE abilities ignore Sgt Hammer’s Spider Mines.

The Ultralisk egg has 594 health with normal scaling. Hanzo averages 132 auto attack DPS with normal scaling. As such in the 4 seconds he has to kill the egg he can auto attack for 528 damage which will not be enough to kill the egg. However if Hanzo takes Redemption (auto attack build) and completes the quest his auto attack DPS is raised to 198 and as such he does 792 in 4 seconds which is enough to kill the egg.

Hanzo can still kill the egg without any talents by mixing in a Storm Bow shot for an extra 291 damage between auto attacks. Storm Bow damage does not increase with channel time and so a short range shot at minimum channel time can be fired between auto attacks to achieve the required damage.

Obviously if the enemy team has a significant level advantage the health scaling on the egg might be enough to push it beyond what Hanzo can reasonably kill. In this case the only option is to seek allied help to kill the egg with more average DPS.

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My mistake, I meant Storm Bow, not Dragon Arrow.

Storm bow hits minions., but doesn’t hit the egg. That’s the inconsistency.

The egg must have properties like spider mines which the arrow ignores. Does sound kind of like a bug but it might be to prevent the egg melting if AoEs are thrown around.

maybe, but it’s weird because AoE’s do hit it, what doesn’t hit it is the direct dmg from Storm Bow. Might have to check with Snipe laters