Tyrande questions/suggestions

I used to play her alot a couple of years ago, i really want to be good with her but i just can’t get it out of my head that she’s VERY (and im really trying to emphasis VERY) underwhelming compared to other healers.

I’ve checked various builds like Q upgrade builds, D upgrade builds and such but most heroes just MASSIVELY outmatches the healing she does by far and the damage many setups you face just does too much damage for you to mitigate fast enough.
Not only that her damage is very insignificant too, atleast that’s how i experience it every time i try to play her.

Is there any Tyrande mains that knows if she really is underwhelming generally or if she’s simply just limited in terms of team setup? Any tips and tricks could be appriciated aswell.


I cant say a main but I play her frequently
She is good but very situational.

Any tips:
If you press Q to a target , wait before pressing your 2nd Q. When the cd almost resets press Q so you can do 3 Q’s and a nice burst heal.
Really has nice mental effects against the enemy

Owl is your best friend to do camp invades and before approaching a objective


As Tyrande main I completely disagree.

She is just harder to play and requires at least semi competent teammates which can be a huge problem…

I play her on maps where I can AA NPCs on the objectives like BoE, AP and GoT.


Yet she got one of the best kill enabling potential (lets say this sentence made sense lol)

Kindish. You need decent follow up damage and good stun tanks/engage. On the other hand its CC/damage is not hard to find, so…

PS - Starfall reduces Q cd.


If terms of averaged stats per game, then yes, Tyrande can look much lower than other healers.

As a quick point of reference, on hotslogs stat averaging that have Tyrande in about the 60k bracket, with the average healing in the 70k bracket with top numbers generated by heroes toward the 90k.

Obviously many will have games that exceed those numbers (I didn’t pull the tab for timestamps on those duration) but usually a rule of thumb, Tyrande will post less raw healing numbers compared to most other healers.

However, in the reverse spectrum, she tends to be some of the highest hero damage numbers, and since her abilities usually enable other allies, their numbers can be ‘better’ too.

The hard part of any number appraisal is that raw lists don’t usually distinguish between bloated numbers and effective numbers. Passive aoe healers tend to push high numbers, but some of that can be incidental/poke damage that a hero can recover themselves, while said hero may then lack in the tools for making key plays for saving an ally or securing an enemy takedown.

So the aspects that best define Tyrande – securing take-downs and raw effective healing don’t really show up in direct comparison via tab cards. For people not experienced with feeling out the impact difference, she will usually look lacking compared to other picks by virtue of a lot of her value coming from enabling her team more so than herself.

As far as tips go:

Elune’s Chosen at lvl 1 is the staple for getting better heal numbers out of her. Everlasting Light is arguably a trap talent (despite its popularity) though i personally suggest Mark of Mending as I like the self-sustain for enabling my own ability to be more aggressive with Tyrande.

Her quest talent at 4 is the usual staple pick for getting that extra range on stuns, but that’s kinda reliant on having allies that set-up for tyrande to follow-up with her stun: trying to solo cast it, and hit a target for a kill, tends not to go as well. Taking the quest tends to put people into the mindset they have to get quest stacks as soon as possible, so they spam the ability when its off cooldown hoping to get hits, and then not getting them.

Ranger isn’t great (owl snipes are fairly meh these days) and Trueshot is underestimated imo; it’s a good compliment to Mending and if you have Tyrande on a map with pve objects (merc bosses, immortals, etc) then getting that damage help will provide more value on those targets than lunar will.

At 7, Kaldorei resistance is usually king imo; getting that extra mitigation really helps bring up Tyrande’s ability to help her team trade up in takedowns, moonlight arrows is okayish for trying to squeeze out some extra raw healing, and Huntress’ Fury is more of a pve waveclear talent.

Shadowstalk is handy on large maps for its global power, and the invis transition can help prevent a few enemy auto attacks, but Starfall does lower cdr on her Q, so for up-close fights, Starfall arguably has better healing potential. Knowing the map makes a big difference on how useful her heroics will be.

At 13: Harsh Moonlight is pretty much the best ‘healer’ option as the debuff can prevent a lot of damage, the slow sets up tyrande on her own Lunar hits, and the dramatic shift in slow, to Hunter Mark, to Lunar usually drows enough attention from the team to really focus that target down.

Quickening is handy if Tyrande needs to enable a tank to engage (like Arthas) and Ranger’s Mark is kinda ‘eh’, unless you’re building for Lunar spam come 20, and even then, that’s a hefty trade (imo) for the Harsh debuff.

Lvl 16 is about as good a split in options as she gets; the cleanse is always handy, the % and cdr on owl couples really well with Harsh Moonlight, and since she has to attack anyway, getting some value from her damage (finally) with Darnassian goes well on maps that don’t stress pve targets.

Lvl 20 is decent on options as well; 50% heal boost on Shadowstalk is noticeable, either AA talent helps Tyrande duel other heroes, but Celestial Wrath hasn’t aged well as the staggering nerfs Tyrande has gotten over the months have also hurt that talent (it has a small area, isn’t globally targetable, trait doesn’t debuff -25 armor anymore) so I’d generally not suggest taking that unless it gets a buff or two to help compensate for some of the nerfs she’s gotten.

The big thing with Tyrande is that she is reliant on both attacking frequently and aiming her skill shots well; she’s punished a lot more than other characters if she lacks on her aggression and timing, and that shows in her number/performance comparisons to other healers.

So to tl;dr your inquiry, she is limited by some comps. If an enemy team really stacks a lot of ranged/evasive heroes, she may find it hard to find something to safely attack, to then get the cdr she needs to get the heals her team wants so they can shrug off enough damage that they can get close enough to wamb, bam, slam, jam the enemy team to oblivion.

Of the healer options, she’ll generally feel the ‘worst’ when she can’t go in and engage, as, most, other healers have options that help them wait out opportunities from the back better than she can.

i just straight up quit playing her after they ruined my build with her don’t care if it was the best or not, blizzard still ruined it so i just quit playing her.

i don’t agree at all with her lvl 7 talent switch.

my Q build lower CD and splash attack together was really fun she feels boring to me oh well maybe someone else will find this hero fun i don’t anymore though.

This. She is IMO, the highest skill cap healer at the moment.

If anyone can solo heal with her current form successfully, they are amazingly good at HotS.
It’s probably safe to say ~99% can’t. I sure as heck can’t.

90% of playerbase don’t even get what a solo laner suppose to do.



That’s just not true,l lol

How is your stutter stepping? If your not very good at that. Start there. Aftet that learn to land your stun.

Yeah, its about 99% of the playerbase actually.

People have no idea that solo lanning is basically soaking, not pushing the lane itself, it’s such a simple concept by itself and people fail at it, quite embarrassing.

Honestly, plenty of players don’t even know lanes exist…


The things QM do on you, yikes.

Ahh, and here we have someone who claims not to be elitist, being elitist

so you’re allowed to constantly reply to my comments? wild, just pointing out how hypocritical you are

You respond to him as fast as possible, and sometimes you ignore my questions.
I feel myself offended :frowning:

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Because half of your questions are unintelligible or something I already responded to.

so, are you saying i’m dumb? thanks… i gues.

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It literally means impossible to understand, please stop making things up.

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