Tired of Platines Players

I am playing with random plat players, in SL and Unrank and it s always the same story, they are never there when it s time to regroup, they are always doing something else when it s not the time aka taking camps when the objective is ready and people don t know how to poke so teamates are dying 1 by 1 … then plat play arrive and kill 1-2 ennemy and type in chat that the other are bad.

Things like that happen so much with plat players. Platine players are so greedy and stubborn that because their rank is better then others, they don t listen calls and do whatever they want no matter what.

This is Random Plat Players and not people i party up with. Wanted to be clear.

What is your toughton this subject ?

BTW i am in Gold rank 3 to 1

I have played from gold 5 to diamond 5 this season and its the same each rank. Players join a team game and decide to solo all game and most of the time it is a loss. It quite sad cause people legit don’t care that its a team game and they are basically joining ranked to throw games.

All I can say is add players who are good and make 2 to 4 man parties. the game becomes more enjoyable then, I will not solo que for ranked anymore.

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