This Ranked System is attrocious

I started in gold 4 with a 65% win rate. I kept it steady for a good time and it slowly dropped to 60% but I made it to gold 1. I kept it steady for a while and stuck with gold 1 and 2, and then out of nowhere, BAM! I somehow managed to get a buttload of losses and eventually dropped to 46% win rate (if this makes sense). I don’t understand this ladder system. I am now Silver 2 and if I had to count how many games I actually enjoy now, its probably 1 out of every 7 games. Something honestly has to be done. How do I go from a 65% win rate to 46% win rate, especially over 100 games? Your ranked system is atrocious. FIX IT.

There is a troll every game or somebody who just doesn’t understand simple concepts like soaking lanes. The amount of times I’ve gone and entire game playing catch-up-on-xp because my team doesn’t understand what “soaking lanes” is unbearable. Every game is either a stomp or get stomped. There is no in-between. I’m tired of this. And if that’s not enough, I’m being forced to drop in rank. I lose more points than I win, even when i’m top 4/mvp, which makes absolutely no sense.


Its the worst season I’ve ever seen. loss after loss. getting paired vs teams etc. SL is crap now.


Yup and pretty much the only way to climb is premades with low rank smurfs so you can destroy unorganized randoms cause the first fight they lose, most players are gonna rage and tilt and if they do, you win.


You either pay to be boosted by cheaters, or sink lower until you’re in B5. It’s up to you.


I just add good players and make groups and I climbed from gold 5 to plat 1. That is sadly the only way to play currently :frowning:

Dude, the rank system has always been trash and always will be until there is personal performance accounted for in matches. Blizzard refuses to do this.

They also refuse to put in loss forgiveness (for when a teammate disconnects), even though they’ve said their “working on it” for years now.


Players would just farm stats and avoid team fights to make themselves look good so they would have high performance points.

That without forcing people to play specific roles in draft too.

I totaly against people only play 1-2 heroes in Unrank and Storm League.

I doubt this. A loss is still a loss. The goal of everyone, minus the trolls, is to win. Adding a personal performance will only cousin the loss, but you will still go down in points.

Just saying if the game was based on personal stats, players would just farm stats, try to steal kills and then run and split push or something to try to maninpulate the win loss bs.

This has already been discussed at length. The PBMM system they built was not solely based on stats. Winning (or losing) was still the primary factor of gaining or losing points. The dev’s even came out and said on video with Kaledor that you couldn’t “game the system”. If you were soaking lanes, avoiding death, getting kills etc… you’re just simply playing well.


Try harder, the avg player hits 50% win rate overall. It’s a team game, you will not carry most of your games. The change to xp collection should improve the overall feel of the game.

System want you lose with spanish people all the way. If you win 4-5 games in arrow be sure a spanish is coming to ruin your winstreak. That s what hots became.

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That or someone who is just gonna throw games on purpose cause they will not get punished for it.


I like the game but the ranked system is broken, miserable failure.

In 20 ranked games this season I have had maybe 5 competent teams. Ranked play needs more stringent requirements for entry.


We just got a first pick KT spanish guy, Yayyy and then the ennemy team took Samuro, cooooool KT would be able to stack on them COOOOL :slight_smile: But no he took mana regen, what a noob, he died 8 times 0 kill and being a mexican spanish, poor him. of course we lost

Enough Hots for me even i took 365 days boost, i am gonna wrecked some spanish, mexicans, brazilians in counter strike or in real live who knows ^^

I love the gameplay minus the exp globes, I hate that blizzard puts no effort into this game and the community is toxic and trolly as can be cause they know they won’t get punished for it.

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I went from 55% winrate at Plat 2 to 38% winrate at Gold 5. I’d like to think it’s the massive amount of boosting and smurfs. Maybe 20% of the games I play are fun/balanced, the rest are one-sided super stomps against boosting enemy teams. Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m still playing… And Blizzard is NEVER going to fix this.


I have said it time and time again, if you solo que in this game, you are almost certain to get matched with players who game throw and troll. Blizzard clearly does not see this as a problem and yet wonder why they are losing players more and more.

This season and the last half of last season have been the WORST ranked seasons ever…