This just should not be allowed

imgur .com/a/G7ZEDxE

This was the most one sided game I’ve ever had. I jump in as a random QP and come up against an organised 5 stack. They had base fort at 4 mins.

They had a drafted team. This game was impossible to win.

If you want to sweat 5stack QP you should only be allowed to play other 5 stacks. This was completely unfair.

The stats were posted a while back - that happens in once per few hundred matches, i.e. not often at all.

Then again, you did have a slight chance of winning - you had blinds vs 3 auto attackers.

Actually against 4.

Also OP how many groups were their on your side?

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To be completely fair. Li Li can’t blind all 4 at once. So that might not be the best argument to say that he had a chance.

That’s just an annoying comp because Abathur helps all 4 of his allies.

Stacks destroyed ranked play, but for QM it would be very weird not allowing it.

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With Mass Vortex she could at least blind 3 for a very long time, but I did forget to treat Tyrande as an AA (I am still upset over her loss of damage, I forgot she is still an auto attacker nonetheless).


Me and Harbinder had 3, 5 mans in a raw last time we played.

So those who says 5 mans only gets matched againts 3-4 man teams are wrong.

5 mans gets matched vs any party size now. Maybe you wondered why 5 mans have so fast que now insteed of 10 min que like they had 3 years ago.


You look closer. 4 auto attack heroes. Lmao.

I’m not well versed in Li Li talents. I still don’t think Li Li can be the team’s only saving grace.

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Oh, you were talking about number of AA heroes. My bad then.

it’s a 3 stack.

It happens. No worries lol

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The match in question

edit: Xenterex was faster

5 stacks vs 3 stacks. Not the worst.
They had zero push potential.
Bot lane was easily defended with Tass and Li Li only.
You guys took only 1 camp and lost tons of xp top for trying to hold a point and dying to illidan + hat for nothing.
Your contribution to the team is very poor.

But, I’ll conceive something, most of it. The mmr for both team looks absolutely scuffed.
2544 Vs 2869 is excessively unfair. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this.
I would like to have a reason from a dev to put on average gold elo vs high diamond elo.

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Wonderful. I am surprised and not surprised in the same time.

More than that hero MMR was barely above 2000 which tells me that most people in that group didn’t use heroes they were very familiar with while the 5-stack were tryhards. I don’t really trust heroesprofile stats so 2.6k vs 2.8k might be much closer than shown but the low average hero MMR screams me this info.


So what’s the complaining here, seems the system working as intended in matching groups into groups as large as this.

yea, it’s another case of “I didn’t get what I want, so I’m looking for something to blame”

I would say the talent picks aren’t what I would suggest for that sort of composition, but that’s part of the issue of qm play: people all play like there’s some magic tank that doesn’t exist to be there for them.

If they don’t have something to hide behind, then they need to take defensive/sustain talents to shore up their own fragile hero picks instead of just taking the same copy/paste build over and over again.

Stack of 3 and two randos, one of which was me.