The ranking system

My story is I I only started playing TL last year, played with a bunch of friends, some is in Gold etc, me and 1 friend played the exact same placement games, I am somehow placed at bronze 3…
So then when I started HL my placement game start from bronze 3… I won 90% of the games last year to get to Silver 4, this year, I am winning 80% of my game to silver 2.
The problem is, this is such a waste of time… even if I obvious don’t belong in this rank ,and if I keep winning at 80% rate, I still need to play a bunch of games to get up.

And sometimes these potatoes don’t help… picking jania into aba tracer combo… I mean I don’t even know how I was placed in bronze in the first place.

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Yeah I just slapped around masters players in TL, winning 3-0 games vs them, and was placed silver. Because I played pre-season as all heroes and didnt just pick the same broken op combos to abuse the game (falstad, diablo, valla, uther etc). SO for not abusing their balance issues I am punished forever to play 50 games of silver, gold, and plat league which are all agonizing in order to theoretically be matched with people who know how to look at their mini-maps, hold on to their CDs, or know when to take a favorable engage or when not to fight outnumbered, sigh. Meanwhile my QM is master-diamond, so I guess I’ll just play that…

It’s probably because your base MMR is determined by your QM and UD ranking, which may be lower than your friends’. Basically, you had a lower starting point than them. That is conjecture of course, as the MMR system is not public. But they have made some posts with some explanation.

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Right, I understand, but my point is with those kind of win rate in HL ,it is obvious their system is not working as intended.
Yes I can get out of silver and get to gold for sure, but the problem is I have to play quite some amount of games to get there even at 80% winrate.

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I hear you. I recently started a second account because I started HL way too early in my learning curve on my first account. I’m already doing much better and experiencing better quality matches.

With 80% winrate it takes about 60 games or less to get from gold 3 to plat 3.

Took me 90 last season to get from Plat 3 to Dia 5 with only 55% wr.

It aint that bad but stomping noobs isnt fun really, once visited US servers and it felt bad to slap around beginners easier than AI and stopped playing there.