The only time Artanis goes Suppression pulse

Are you talking about all those other threads where I get in disagreements with others on how the game works, why parts of the game are stupid and shouldn’t be there, or about why its logical to believe what I see myself and not what some rando with no sources says online? Because that’s vastly different than what you’re doing.

You posted something that was argumentative towards the OP by stating what they are saying is wrong, and posted a “statistic” off of heroes profile (bad source imo) to support your argument. The issue is, your argument isn’t even the correct argument to combat what the OP was saying. You either misread or didn’t read period because like I said before, OP wasn’t talking about whether or not Artanis’s on the other team taking the other ult besides suppression pulse, just that to the OP, they never see their teammates take it. It wasn’t a statement saying enemy Artanis’s always (without fail) take suppression pulse.

So your argument was stupid to begin with. Then, after being called passive aggressive by the OP you claim “oh its just a joke you didn’t understand because you didn’t read”. I’m pretty sure OP read it because they are stating the same thing I am in reply to your stupid argument. Its just that its not a joke. Its just you being rude for the sake of being rude (like someone else loves to do on here as well) and then playing it off as “a joke”.

Firstly, good jokes need no explanation, the only thing that should follow is laughter, which none of us are doing at the moment.
Second, your “joke” isn’t even a joke because there’s nothing comical about your post. An “obviously” in italics doesn’t make your post a joke. Its most commonly used to put emphasis on a word. Your post was argumentative, with a creative way to insult the OP that is later coated and played off as a “joke”.
Third, because your point got challenged, you try to deflect that by saying we didn’t read. Pure hypocrisy, and I’m betting you’re arrogant enough to deny it again.

In my other disagreements you brought back from the grave, I have stood by my stance based on the experience and knowledge I have on the events or experiences. I am not wrong to assume what I do just because someone posts on here that I’m wrong with no concrete evidence besides hearsay anecdotes. You expect me to just accept what you say as truth based on you quoting someone else’s experience that goes against what the devs have said and against my own experience? You don’t work for blizzard, have no credibility to say that your word is fact, its simply what you think yet you state it as concrete fact. You do this all the time and use fancy words to make yourself sound smarter than you are.

Anyway, TLDR, you didn’t read the OP’s post properly and you’re mad about being called out about it.

Are you referencing a shadow cabal council member, which I am?


Get a life. Seriously.

I’m not the loser putting subtle innuendos when I haven’t replied to you in a while.

Sit down, nerd.

ore people know about it than you may be wiling to consider. Direct knowledge of it doesn’t really matter, the effect is a form of absurdity being ‘played straight’. People tend to be really bad at reading ‘jokes’, interpreting sarcasm, or realizing that their own experience may just be limited to a smaller niche that that thought.

The ‘passive aggressive’ likely comes from the reading on “oh look” which someone may flag as “sarcasm” for flagging ‘opposites’ used to mock someone. However, if the post is not actually “sarcastic” then the offense has to “taken” by disregarding the material. The point of the ‘ok look’ is due to quantum stuff changing once someone has seen it.

Regardless, the issue isn’ the knowledge, the issue is people being willing to consider something that doesn’t immediately agree with what they posted and instead asserting that someone must therefore be ‘wrong’ as what Xivilas has concluded.

No is isn’t. It offers explanations that they asked to receive. The issue of veiled complaints is that people tend to not actually want ‘answers’.

Minus the part that what I posted is that is could be ‘true’, however, they didn’t post enough information for anyone to form patterns outside of generalizations toward ‘random’ explanations. Rather than actually read what I posted, you assume it has to be ‘argumentative’ instead of straight-playing what they requested.

I read it, and I posted an applicable answer. What I am getting is replies from people that didn’t read something on their end and thus assume I didn’t understand them. Functionally, it is possible that OP neglected games where an ally did take it, but it wasn’t a game they thought should have had the heroic taken, ergo it doesn’t jive with the complaint. While that may seem like “You’re saying they’re wrong” what someone is willing to notice is the ‘reality’ or ‘truth’ to them. If they haven’t noticed those games, then the explanation for their observation is that they neglect something and we can’t prove that. Regardless of digging a history, posting a screen cap or whatever, there isn’t an explanation to be had for ‘random’ outside of trying to go off on physcho babble or quantum physics

If someone were to flip a coin and ask why it came up heads 10 times in a row, it can just be ‘chance’, it could be technique (or user error) or a bunch of speculative things that aren’t going to amount to much without seeing the coin, the flip method used, or other pertinent details. If you think it’s an insult to point out issues of lacking information then you might want to read things through instead of just making bad assumptions. “oh but HP is a bad source”; it demonstrates more than the OP provided, and despite being a hero that typically has stagnant talent choices, otherwise seems to have a ‘close enough’ 50/50 pick on the heroics. That would then tie in with my “quantum entanglement” bit, or rather, on how people might understand Schrödinger’s Cat

What you’re calling a ‘stupid argument’ is what you created from it, not what I actually posted. Since you assume I didn’t read it, you then use that as a rationale to not read what I actually wrote and then draw an erroneous conclusion for a ‘stupid argument’ on something you aren’t willing to read, but will fault someone else on the assertion you think they didn’t.

Have you contributed explanations for their claim, or are you just derailing something off a bad take, and won’t own up on it?

You’ve taken something that is not an insult to thus be an ‘insult’ and draw the same issue of you not understanding something to thus limit the options you’re willing to consider. “Jokes” are not always ‘funny’. Garfield isn’t ‘funny’, Seinfeld isn’t ‘funny’, and a myriad examples exist of things not being “funny ha ha” despite being a ‘joke’.

“Jokes” often need something ‘absurd’ rather than a punchline. What is ‘absurd’ (or unexpected) is suggesting something ‘over the heads’ of “most people” and meaning it. What take you are putting on this is based on you disregarding what I actually wrote in favor of assuming some insult was given, and it was not. Yea, most people aren’t actually going to know about ‘quantum physics’, that’s the point. It isn’t some “oh xenterex is lording over people” that people assume when they are offended when something is posted they ‘don’t know’. The collective information we have is less than what actually exists, so by nature, definition, etc we are all “stupid” and it is not an actual ‘insult’ if people realize that. So people that get off on that assumption on replying to me indicate they don’t actually understand the purpose of what I am writing, or how the ‘absurdity’ of it is “humorous”.

It’s a lot easier for people to assume something that doesn’t catch the immediate expectation of their complaint to have to be an ‘insult’. Unfortunately, it takes length people aren’t willing to consider to explain the issue of bad assumptions fueled by bad communication habits. That same concern also complications people honestly trying to answer an OP regarding Artanis or the magical consequences that “Free will” exists.

Lol wasn’t talking about you, nerd. Get over yourself :joy:

Sure buddy, keep dreaming. :blue_heart:

You can lie to me but you can’t lie to yourself, nerd.

Thanks for letting me in rent free. The fact you don’t even know what you’re talking about shows your iq is lower than the number of wheels on a motorcycle.

Like always you reject any fault of your own because you’re upset you failed to read and because of it came up with a fault reply that has nothing to do with what the OP is taking about. All those words can’t hide the fact you misread and can’t accept it. Acceptance is the first step, not that your head isn’t far enough up your rear to realize it.

Nice try.

Ah, if you’re thinking I’m not going to take a dump on you every chance I get on the conspiracy theories, keep dreaming. Too much of a comedic gold mine.

Rent free? Ha, don’t flatter yourself. You’ll come to me when you need that lisinopril/metformin for that overweight+ thing you got going on.

Keep dreaming.

You can lie to me but you can’t lie to yourself. :relieved:

The fact you think harassing me is comedic gold shows you have the brain of a pimple faced middle schooler. :nerd_face: :clown_face: Grow up.

So first you evn acknowledge you aren’t daft enough to not know where the passive aggressive tone came from
Then fail to realize that one of your quips wasn’t even in the context of the original post (I.E going to find an opponent that didn’t take pulse when I obviously never said all)
That of course also came off as a gotcha moment

I don’t care if people disagree on this topic, hell it wsas meant originally as a funny woe is mebecause I’d been on a roll with a bunch of AA heroes recently but had watched a bunch of Artanis on my team skip it against illidan and tracer among others

You made a comment that both (by your own admission even) came off as sarcastic AND was taking serious what was in fact meant as a joking tone

Surely you can at least acknowledge how that makes you come off as less then ideal, instead of tripling down with long winded essays about how I’m wrong for taking Umbridge with that?

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So witty. I sense A1c 5.8+. I can smell it :nerd_face:

I think it’s fair to say this thread is completely derailed at this point. It’s easy for me to say, but really there is nothing to be gained by arguing with people on the internet. I’m not denying that I’ve also been guilty of doing the same, but it’s basically a terrible waste of time and emotional energy.

That describes this whole forum in general. Game isn’t relevant anymore, or being worked on at all, people on here are jerks for the sake of being jerks, no thread is going to do anything besides cause arguments or useless discussions, and nothing anyone says here is going to make a difference in the game or do anything useful for others. Every thread is filled with either stupid people, trolls, or people who will pick fights for a topic that doesn’t even matter.

Players that are new to the game are the only people probably worth being around for and there aren’t very many anyway. Plus, others are here to give advice or whatever. This forum has become hot garbage.

I’ll take that as a compliment I guess…

If you find no value in the forums, I’m certainly not going to argue to change your mind. I like some of the posters here and I don’t think the majority of people who post fall into the category of trolls.

I agree with you that with no active development on Hots it limits the number (and perhaps quality) of discussions to be had. I have noted this even before Hots was in official maintence mode.

I still find the forums useful. Sami posted a video of him playing Hogger a month or so ago and it looked so fun that I challenged myself to learn Hogger and it’s been rather a fun ride. There is also the advice (more like tips) given by people on these forums that can go overlooked. Often through a discussion about a certain hero, I’ve picked up on a very specific tip about a mechanic or talent you won’t find on Icy Veins.

So meh, Hots and the Forums are only as good and as fun as you make it. I take breaks from both and when I eventually find it no longer any fun, I’ll just leave and not hang around telling other people they are “trolls” or should “quit” or whatever.

I’m not saying you do this, but there is a vocal minority dedicated to doing such and they should really just move on.

I still disagree with your take. As a writer, I can try to estimate all sorts of interpretations that people put into something and try to account for it, but there’s not much any can do to beset willful ignorance and bad takes. The ‘gatcha’ moment you’re trying to use does more to indicate how unwilling you are to actually consider what the post is doing in favor of acting on presumption. The ‘punchline’ for the post is that I posted the opposite of what you claimed, which is the gimmick I explain in the above regarding the ‘quantum physics’. “Conservation” is held by one object doing the opposite of the other; this hasn’t been a misread on my part, and it isn’t passive aggressive as you so try to claim.

You made a joke topic, I make a joke reply to that; this isn’t some “oh now that ooze revealed it, of course you say that” it was that from the onset. Taking umbrage with something that demands you assume everyone else is a liar is “wrong” conduct, and time and again, I try to avoid the ‘essays’ but some people are incredibly dishonest with what they claim they’re willing to understand.

Yea, anything can always be ‘better’, which is why I keep trying to adjust my presentation, but for the sort that just keep seeing things as being ‘the same’, you probably didn’t consider much of any variation you could have made to better ‘tell’ your topic, and instead toss that off as me as the scapegoat for your bad take. There’s more going on in what is written and people that refuse to consider the impulsive hottake are setting themselves up for a bad time.

If anything, it makes it seem like artanis did take suppression pulse with how blind it has been around here :confused:


Whatever you say, I’m done wasting time on your long winded essays and B.S that makes me wish I was dealing with the idiots I deal with at work instead

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Just ignore him. He literally isn’t worth your time. Let him waste 12 hours writing up his bs