The Li Ming Curse (rant)

Oh boy do I hate solo Que Li Ming players. I have no idea what it is but lately EVERY single Li Ming Player I’ve encountered is so completely garbage not only at the character but the game itself.
It all starts with the draft where the genius will take it upon himself to insta lock Li Ming. This generally means that they honestly feel in their heart that they can carry on the hero. This sends chills up my spine at imagining how bad they are on other heroes as I witness them take every hit from chromie, not know how to dodge, never have top damage, try to clear lanes, chase people with auto attacks, have like 2 kills by the end of the game, can’t manage to hit any important heroes with a combo etc.

Oh and can’t forget to pick ARCHON against the ZERATUL. Since the other level 20’s are far too complicated to wrap their brain around.

I just hate it. A Li Ming has a HUGE job to complete and drafting her shuts out a lot of other heroes from being picked and these Li Ming Lords simply do not pull their weight. A Good Li Ming is one of a very few select heroes that can carry a game, in contrast a bad one can easily sink the ship.

I beg you, stop playing Li Ming, you know you suck. Practice in Quick Match it’s selfish as hell to bring 4 other players lower just cuz you wanted to be the 360 no-scope Dorito meme-lord playmaker extraordinaire.

All ranting aside the BIGGEST issues that these Li Ming player’s have is that their positioning is HORRENDOUS. They NEVER flank, they never exploit chokes, and they feel the only place that’s safe is directly behind the tanks in full view of the enemy team. But even if they did position, most of them don’t have the micro or reaction time to properly make use of her.

Welcome to ranked, How tough are you?

Yeah I just needed to rant I feel much better now lol

Orb ming fills any generic poke damage-lobber spot. They really don’t limit your draft that much by first-picking ming. Especially considering most of them DO go that orb build.

Considering ming is one of the most contested heroes atm, a first pick ming is understandable. Mage may never be the best first pick, but ming first pick is at least still better than KT XD (she’s a lot safer and more versatile).

I would agree to first picking her if the people playing her knew how to actually LAND skills shots.

Where are these terrible li mings?? Haha i only come across good ones and forces me to tank to “counter” all the li ming orbs by taking as many as i can to the face so they dont get the cd reduction.