The Death of Competitive HOTS

With the recent announcement of Blizzard pulling away from HGC and Dorm, this at least to my opinion is a death sentence for the competitive scene. Sure there will be amateur tournaments…But for the semi-pros? The HGCO Teams? Blizzard effectively spat in the face of all of them and I am utterly disgusted.

I have been a Blizzard supporter since 1998. 20 Years. They just killed this game. It has been fun.


They’ve basically made every bad decision possible with this game. I don’t think any of the changes at any time in its existence were universally lauded by anyone in the community. It was slowly going away as it was. This just puts the nail in the coffin…


I think for a period that the devs were actually trying to improve the game based on the feedback given. However, everyone complains about Quick Match, or what have you. This is such a shame man. I have no words.

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Only competitive death?

This is the first step towards the complete death of the game.

Fewer people working on it, longer content to be laced, less heroes being launched, less visual, new maps?

I doubt very much that something new will come out in the next 2 years, then finish the game pro pressure from Activision.


I don’t think J Allen Brack will last very long as a CEO of a major company if he can’t take a mature property Like Diablo or HotS and improve upon it. He could have scaled it back, or find alternative ways to fund tournaments like Battlechests.


I literally said on my discord community server that they could have done the StarCraft model where every purchase of skins, part of the proceeds went directly towards tournaments.

This is just unreal.

HGC canceled, devs moved off to other games, and this game basically put into maintenance mode.

Are you kidding me Blizzard?

The community has been asking you to fix the ranking system for years. Put in performance metrics (i.e. PBMM), and stop charging people losses when a teammate goes AFK. This is all you needed to do to make people happy and keep playing. Instead you did everything but this.

What is wrong with you?


As a player, I’ll still continue trying to support this game because I love it, but yeah, no HGC in 2019 is a huge blow to the community as a whole, and the manner in which they handled it has left many of the pros now completely out of jobs in a bad season and with little reason to trust further word from Blizzard.
With fewer devs, it’s also likely that this is a sign that the game is going to receive less polish and attention, which is a damned shame, because Heroes has been a very successful game in terms of art design and direction of late.


2018 was just a really bad year when it comes to major gaming studios: Blizzard is no exception. I start to like them less with every decision they make. I guess the game will just die out sometimes in 2019 and I’ll have to find a new MOBA, which is a damn shame, because I really like the shared xp and talent tiers instead of a shop.

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Activision ruined blizzard. Was a death sentence and with alot of the developers going to mobile GG


its a shame I always wanted to go competitive and join HGCO all this hard work to get somewhere and trying to get better. all for nothing I came from league of legends and I liked this game better but now its going to die, son I guess I got to go try something ells.

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There are other amature tournaments. The only way to gain in popularity is to join these and promote them. Sure the prize money wont touch what HGC was but if the game gains enough tournament popularity it could bring HGC back. I’m just trying to be optimistic and throw ideas out there.

Im not pro by any means but if i can find 5 people on my friends list that want to join one of these tournaments i will do it.

So Blizzard are killing the competitive. Now the professionals are unemployed who struggled to get a place in the professional scene. Just because Blizzard are greedy and just thinking about money.
And wathcing the HGC, Heroes of the doorm was something that you really was looking forward to…
Once again blizzard has destroyed hots as they always do … Hope you all included the CEO becomes unemployed and need to live on the street!

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How to fix the game: 1. Remove the retarded freaking ranks or divisions systems! it’s retarded! You get stuck in bronze every time and you never get out there!
2. MAKE FREAKING LEAGUES NOT THAT LONG!!! It’s cuz of ppl stuck in bronze that are ACTUALLY GOOD but just can’t find decent players that ppl want to quit! I check my MMR daily I’ve made HUGE PROGRESS YET AGAIN I START IN BRONZE 5! I’M NOT FIGHTING FOR 4 MONTH TO JUST STAY BETWEEN BRONZE 5 and BRONZE 3 AGAIN!!!
3. "YOUR REPORT SYSTEM IS BROKEN!!! ppl been trollin for years still get to play! ppl don’t get banned and the actually
GOOD PPL (Mostly flaming due of this BROKEN SYSTEM and due to this reason) GET SILENCED

Don’t get me wrong I LOVED HOTS But Match Making in QM is terrible, Unranked just has a retarded drawing system wich makes it a nightmare, Ranked is just NOT ENJOYABLE AT ALL and Brawl is just… laggy

For the sake of the comunity! for the sake of HOTS’ Future… Blizzard need to fix this!! They hear our calls for MONTHS! and BLIZZARD is not listening cuz of ACTIVISION CRAP and DIABLO GO! Blizzard let us wait to long for new content… Removed the Haunted Mines wich was a lot of ppl’s better and more enjoying maps! Heroes take months to come out! Events look to much the same!

I hate to say this but ths money sponge called Blizzard entertainment makes me think they never reinvest there money for the benifits of the company, the games and so on, so on… I spended a lot of money in HOTS! So you can make profit out of this but i’ve already resubbed for WoW… If these problems don’t get fixxed a lot of ppl leave again!! and ranked system will be nothing more then bronze players fighting for no reason.

You could create a ranked system with wins instead of points…
e.g. 30 wins for a small reward, 100 wins common reward, 200 medium reward, 350 big reward…; and you just keep building this! until a cap that can be achieved in 4 months (if you Blizzard wanna keep there extremly long durations…)

Blizzard needs to make us feel like we get somewhere in ranked… even if you’re trash! But ppl who are actually doing stuff, actually making progress each day, actually trying DIE HARD to rank up! They just feel worthless! they feel stuck! This happens to me previous season and this happens to me again this league!!

If blizzard doesn’t hear out our calls! ppl wil abandon blizzard…
This isn’t a call for HOTS only… cuz Diablo cries for content as well (just based on the things i hear) and WoW cries the same…

OVERWATCH Just destroys the Blizzard realm up! since overwatch came out all just is getting worse and worse and i’m not saying overwatch is a bad game… never played it myself… but don’t let 1 game ruin al the others!

If Blizzard only just listened for once!