Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here! (Part 1)

You can thank me for that. I made Volun cry and forced the forum mod’s hand, but I’m surprised that the other topic featuring a 3-way FFA is still open and this one got closed after such a short argument.

I was wondering where that went.

There have been a couple rather unpleasant discussions recently in the salt mines that may have contributed towards its burial as they deviated away from its intended purpose.

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25% of all posts are made by him replying to different users, forming a daisy chain of insults, each worse and more inappropriate than the previous one

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Ah, okay. Welp may as well post something good in here.

Played a good dozen games today and a dozen the day before with a bunch of people that I wound up becoming friends with as well as enjoying how the game puts people together.

Always fun getting one dps on a team with a bunch of support/healers. Makes it a touch more interesting. I screwed off in the above picture going with the dragon to avoid healing ZJ too much. Kharazim did the same by going Iron Fist.

Also got into a game with a bunch of friends with one of us going Valeera against the Elite bots. I thought I was decent against the A.I with the sneaky elf but they made me feel like a total scrub in how they performed.


Maybe … try to not get this one shut down, too? Please?

This really isn’t the appropriate place to discuss it.

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That’s a not my problem. Two people arguing could be tolerated but instead of downvoting to inform us that we are acting inappropriately, two or more other people joined me against the other party, which made a simple disagreement look like something much worse.

I edited my previous post to remove the references in an attempt to avoid dragging it into here.


Offtopic thread, thataway —>>


at least there’s this little beacon of hope
but enough about the unfortunate turns of events and on to a far more important things
you guessed it ME

Cus I am about 400 shards off from getting la rosa Lunara
I’ve been grinding to get her but my shard luck just wouldn’t budge
I’m so excited I have a reason to play Lunara other than making plants go pop

on a more serious note if this topic gets taken down I’ll be sending the people responsible to hell in a hand basket, and I’m not talking bout no moderators


I love all the skins in that series, my favorite being Los Muertos Lunara, it’s wonderfully creepy.

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I just love the fact she’s a reference to lady catrina
gives me nostalgia

nuh uh


Can’t lie, I never get tired of seeing Genji players punished, it’s even more satisfying how you did so in your clip. Genji thought he had made a safe dash behind those towers, not so safe.

Also, Dr. Logan on Nova with a mastery ring, I’m not sure how to feel about that.


Damn I saw some high level cheeky “I wins” but that’s up there in the top 10

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Some of you may have heard of fantasy football, but one of the NGS teams runs a “fantasy HotS” league! People can draft teams of 5 starters and a couple of subs from the pool of people who play in NGS. Each week, they harvest the stats from the matches played, and determines which team has the best overall stats. It is based on role, so if you draft a player as your “healer”, the stats from their role are added to your team total. This would be things like total healing done, clutch heals, KDA, etc.

They do the same thing for Tank, Offlane, DPS, and Flex. Once all the role points are added up, the teams are compared, with the highest point total winning that week. The fantasy team owner with the best record at the end of the NGS season wins a $25 Amazon gift card! It’s just another fun way to keep people engaged throughout the season. Some of the team names are funny, like “Five-Stacks are Ruining Fantasy League” and “This Time I Will Win for Sure Guaranteed”.


Hey guys, thanks for a good game! If you could scroll up, press the cute little report button, and flag my old posts in this thread with “Extraneous” or “trolling” (your choice! You have the power!) That would be awesome, like an E.T.C landing a 5 man power mosh and getting all the girls.

Thanks everyone! <3


watch yourself you are in dangerous territory

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My personal feeling is that Blast is trying to get this thread closed since the Salt Mines was closed. Or they are trying to see a difference in behaviour from the mods.


Blaze is hecking not welcome here

My sister in Christ, she’s one of my only dps heroes I play. Lvl 30+