Tassadar and D.Va Rework Expectations

So Whitemane’s rework has pissed quite a few people off. It seems like the rework did not meet expectations, to say the least.

So I think it might be good to lay out what our desires and expectations are for likely the next 2 upcoming reworks, Tassadar’s and D.Va’s. Even if the devs don’t bother taking our opinions into consideration, at least the backlash if they ignore them won’t come as a surprise.

What are your main concerns with the hero’s current state?

What role and playstyle do you want to see the hero shifted towards or emphasized?

What, if any, abilities would you like to see removed or changed?

What, if any, abilities or effects would you like to see added, and how would you like to see them implemented?

What, if any, abilities or effects do you specifically want changed as little as possible, if not left alone entirely?


Tass is one of my favorite remaining heroes (probably in part because he has remained the same for so long). I like his swiss army do anything play style (which seems to be the heroes that Blizzard target for reworks). Blizzard has become obsessed with making heroes more reliant on their teams and removing solo impact…

If they do change him i hope its nothing drastic. Maybe a few buffs to certain abilities/talents, nothing major.

I bet they will change him into a full blown assassin though… Probably give him an AA build for good measure lol.

  1. Tassadar currently has two builds that really stick… so lack of build diversity.
  2. Pretty sure he is going to be an assassin, but since they are moving his wall to his E, and putting his dimensional shift into the talents… they might buff some of his damage capabilities through the talents.
  3. I will miss his E talent, especially since we were able to have the Race car build back in the day. I would like to see his beam be a little less like a tickle. I think his trait needs to do something different and/or more than just spot invisible peeps since the trait got kinda nerfed when they did the stealth re-work. I like the Shield… its just, I don’t know.
  4. I would REALLY like to see a Kala/Void theme implemented into his kit as he is the Master of both. Maybe the different energies allow you do different things: like picking Kala talents gives you strait damage buffs Archon and void contains more cheeky plays like giving you dimensional shift, making your wall better, or whatever the new Heroic is going to be.
  5. Psi storm seems very on-point. I would like it if it were changed back to consistent damage though. Again with the Shield, I don’t really know.

his kit is impossible to balance. Right now Tassadar is extremely good (maybe even busted) in a cordinated setting for ranked. right now i’m spamming him ranked and am almost back into masters. So far i have played 17 ranked games as him this season with a 64% winrate as him, now 17 games is a rather small sample size i will admit but it’s still a pretty high winrate.

who would have thought that if you gave Tassadar an increase in his AA slow and slow from resonation he would be very stronk.

I’m fine with him being turned into a mage since he is keeping Force Wall. Sounds like fun.

His shield should be removed. it’s the one thing that has been preventing him from being a good hero for over 2 years before this last buff.

Also if he is keeping Archon it needs to be buffed drastically. 100 second cd is way to long.



I want him grossly overpower, dont care how, just a relentless machine of vengance and destruction who will shake the very foudations of the meta and give me glorious memes and delicious salt
For all the years of underdog he endured


Tassadar neeeds some talents to be reworked. He really depends from his teamdrafting. Espesially “We need AA hero for Tass” thing. I don’t like it.
His all lvls have underrated or bad talents:
1 lvl - Q talent
4 - mostly fine
7 - W slow from AA. I almost never use this talent.
10 - Arhon
13 - E talent
16 - minus AA armor is situational
20 - Shield battery

They need to be changed/buffed.

Personally I like to choose between agressive Tassadar (AA build) and ranged mage/support Tass (Q build/W build).
I would like Q build to become a thing.

Shield. It needs to be changed. I want it to become useful for ALL heroes, not only AA.
Like, they can add healing from dealing magic dmg for 5-10%, but nerf AA healing. I am not against it.
And they need to add more talents from shield, because having only 1-4 lvls, where I can buff shield, sucks.
And they need to add some effects after shield goes, like Khala Light, what gives you armor after breaking. It’s really cool talent and I use it all time.

Endless shield on one target, be able to heal by shield for X% of absorbed dmg, cleanse, etc.
Shield can be improved by alot of things!

Nullification. I want it baseline. They may nerf from 75% to 50% or make high CD.
This is must pick talent. It must stay on Tassadar’s kit.


I can get behind this.

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Adding micro missiles is highly concerning.

On top of the recent decisions they went with according to their reddit posts.

I am not excited at all, you all can keep dreaming that though.


I am gonna be speaking of D.Va here since she is my main

She is not a “bruiser” she will never be able to fight off guys like Artanis,Dehaka,Imperious,Ragnaros etc.

Her early game had 5 talents that are focus on Defence Matrix around level 4 and 7. She is a nuke bot and nothing else, her way to survive sucks, she give half the exp of a normal death, at first you might think it aint much but in the long run it stacks up.

Bruiser, Add Micro-missiles that were added in OW, made her be an aggressive bully . also more talent diversity for builds you want to max: want a baby D.Va build? you got it. Need a DM build? you can do that too. Meka damage build? Let’s go for it.

Crash Course either remove it or buff it completely. It;s literally the worst talent in the whole game.

Bunny Hop is not a bad Heroic by itself but for the love of god, why does this Heroic have a 100 second cooldown, it’s ridiculous long, imagine if Diablo had Lighting Breath at 100 second cooldown.


Playing as Baby D.Va is as hard as it gets, I hope Torpedo Dash does not get removed

I could go on forever about D.Va but I already made MULTIPLE posts about her and some really long ones that at this point a rework wouldn’t do any damage considering her current bad state.

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Torpedo dash either baseline or available at a very early level.

Keeping the pewpewpew and rushdown talents

I don’t care about DVA so i expect her to disapear from my sight.
As for tassadar i want old AA back , racecar E talent back and static charge back also leach on shield gone.

With D.Va, the one feature I’d like to see would be having the Mech be exitable intentionally, without the self-destruct, with the associated property of the Mech’s health being damagable after existing. Including being able to destroy it during self-destruct for a reduced blast, so it isn’t an unstoppable nuke to zone risk-free.

This would allow for a much more intricate choice of Mech and Pilot talents, as well as being able to implement the calldown progress as healing for some genuine self-sustain instead of being utterly dependent on a friendly healer. If only as a Talent that does that in replacement of charging an instant second Mech.

I honestly do not care for DVA much, but I might player her more if they bring her inline with the other bruisers…

Micro missiles seems like a must as well as removing her movement speed penalties and maybe a slight health buff for the Mech.

Talent wise I think she needs some backed in pilot talents (or have pilot talents baked into mech talents) I feel as if she should have all of her basic pilot abilities from the start and then work on some new talent/upgrades.

I would recommend that they Replace both of her heroics (bake big shot into the new heroics so she has a heroic in pilot mod as well as in mech mode).

Yes, and with Psi storm somewhere in there!

D.Va has two major issues. Her pilot form is incomplete without talents and rush down is a must pick for rotations.

So, pilot abilities and rush down need to be baseline. GGWP is an essential talent when picking bunny hop, so that can’t be removed. Bunny hop could use a shorter cd too. That’s it.

I heard they were talking about changing her base movespeed, but I worry that comes at the cost of rush down being removed. This would be a major detriment to her double soaking potential, skill ceiling, and enjoyability. Currently one of her best strengths is that rush down enables her to double soak and be evasive. It’s also without a doubt very fun to be able to fly around frequently.

Making rush down baseline would be much better for her than increasing her base move speed. It’s honestly the most fun thing about the hero too, so removing it would only encourage me to retire her regardless of strength and never buy skins for her again.


D.Va honestly is more of a specialist than a bruiser currently. She’s a nukebot, and her nuke’s purpose is for specialized area denial or VERY specialized DPS when you have a team that can set it up. None of which falls under the purview of what a bruiser generally needs, being able to solo lane and get in there and trade blows effectively.
Her primary use outside of nuking is her D matrix, which functions almost as a soft CC; however, this also basically soft CC’s HER since she can’t attack either, making it a full on support skill-- and this support nature also means she can’t really tank but has to help the REAL tank with it.

Her mech is squishy due to her having a pilot form “eat” some of her HP (while the total HP is of little use since its not like healing her pilot will bring back the mech-- Think of how sonya would function if she lost the use of her abilities if she dropped below 25% HP but didn’t die), and at the same time you don’t want to let it die because it feeds your enemy even if its at a lower rate. At the same time she has no Sustain or ways to repair her health, which pretty much all bruisers have.

Her DPS is of zero consequence, since she has literally no damaging skills unless you count the piddling bit from boosters, or nuke, which isn’t really a DPS skill but a zoning one. Her AA is horrid, and being able to walk while doing it isn’t enough of a trade off, since she has lower Movement speed out of the box. And the AOE on her guns still doesn’t let her wave clear effectively.
Paradoxically, the reason for this seems to stem from her pilot mode as a carry over from Overwatch-- In that game she has super DPS with her gun outside her mech to make her still a threat when her thing blows up. This works THERE because its an entirely different style of game-- You have to AIM to hit someone there, so they can’t just click auto attack on you to delete you, and you don’t snowball from killing her. The loss of her dying is the respawn timer, NOT feeding the enemy team. On the other hand, in Hots dying is a MASSIVE penalty to your team, as not only did you just have to wait to respawn but you ALSO made the game harder for your teammates by making your enemy strong. So having her damage be higher as a pilot just doesn’t work since you can’t juke around and outfight someone the same way you can in a FPS, for the same reason that tanking is drastically different in this game than a FPS (where being a giant shield like rheinhardt is basically the only really effective way), and her life is not nearly as dispensable as in Overwatch.

She further has a mobility weakness in BOTH lacking a mount AND being slower than your normal character. This means that the talent rushdown is basically required in order for her to function properly in this game in rotating from her lane to objectives.

So basically, as established above, she’s basically, in her current form, a specialist-- she reduces damage and zones with a nuke, while being unable to effeciently solo lane, take camps (no sustain), trade blows or generally do what is expected of a bruiser while bringing zoning and support-- Not good.
This is due to them trying to be “True to the source”, which, while admirable, means she just can’t function properly here in the way they intended, and she didn’t even function well IN HER ORIGINAL GAME.

So here’s what I want: I want D.Va to be remade into a bruiser. Stop focusing on “This is how she is in overwatch” and focus on “This will make her FUN and EFFECTIVE”.

She needs Rushdown to be made baseline. I don’t know how to say this enough, this is probably the most obvious and easiest thing to do. Its just something that makes her “Work” and makes her “not work” for the objective style of the game without it.

Next up, they either need to go all in on saying “She’s actually a specialist” and function in that role, or make her function as a bruiser and ease off the focus on her Nuke and D.matrix focus. I’d rather they do the bruiser thing, and keep the option to repower up her support role via talents if a person wants to do that.

So secondly: Make her nuke a Heroic, like tracers, and power it down drastically. Give the option at Level 10 to repower it up to previous levels (even moreso), while also having Bunnyhop as an alternative option.

Third: Gut her pilot form DPS. lower it by about 1/2. Giver her slightly higher range (.5 or 1.0) to compensate. make big shot baseline, but also lower its DPS. Her role as a pilot is to snipe the enemy to get her mech back, not deal damage.

Fourth: Lower her mech’s Xp to .25, but increase pilot XP to .75.

Fifth: Give her a form of sustain. Either manually being able to exit her mech and send it back, a skill, or even a passive regen. SOMETHING to let her stay in the game like a bruiser is expected early game.

Sixth. Replace Nuke as a baseline ability (since its now a Heroic) with something to synergize with her as a close range combatant.
Honestly, I’d say make bunnyhop baseline, but alter it and lower its power. Like make it a 2 second skill, and instead of being unstoppable she gains armor during it, with a lower CD.
A situational move for slowing down an enemy for the rest of your team when you chase them down with your booster, or as a Defensive skill when being focused. (and lets be honest, bunny hop in its current form is an absolute joke of a heroic)

Seventh: if you make her New E a defensive ability then buff her AA damage; if you don’t make her E a defensive ability, then give her a DPS skill. her Damage is just too low ATM. she needs something.

I just want perma shield to be a thing again.

Rushdown baseline is definitely what many people seem to want. I think many people will be upset with it gone.

I think blizzard is thinking of buffing her base movespeed. I rather her base movespeed remain at 85% and she gets rushdown baseline

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Im curious about Dva rework based on what they said on the AMA on Reddit, which was basically that Dva would get a solo laner build, a teamfight build and a tank build.

To me thats super interesting as I enjoy diversity and options and if these happen to be decent then its something Im interested in trying, even more considering Dva is one of those characters that I hardly ever touch.

A viable tank build would be awesome and would make me play her because my God, we do need more tanks in this game!