Sylvanas new W build is amazing

Her Q build is to lackluster and typically just hits the enemy frontline I was trying to force it work then eventually gave up…

Her W build is an entirely different story… once you rack that up you have so much burst and the talent that makes it lower cooldown feels great you literally cut through your target like butter.

Haven’t even touched new mind control since it looks terrible.

Yeah, no. W build is a noob trap. People get impressed with the Quest numbers thinking “Woah, I got 200 stacks, now my W will deal 100% more damage, ez game” but they forget that the base damage is so incredibly low that the actual damage bonus isn’t very impressive. Not to mention it takes 2.5 seconds for W to deal full dmg so it doesn’t matter if you lower the cooldown of your W, it’s still not a burst ability.


Doesn’t really feel noob trap to me when I lost 3 games in master mmr with Q build then hard carried 3 games with her Dagger build.

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You’re asking to get bent over by attempting that stupid quest too. THREE auto attacks first, whats with the artificial difficulty???


more like master bronze mmr


Lmao it’s funny cause valla literally needs to auto attack like 10 times to get max value but 3 auto attacks is outlandish?

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Yea it feels extremely artificial and tacked on.

Edgelords are out in force tonight.

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and Festering Wounds Talent at LV7 allow you max your stack without AA.


Don’t want to sound condescending but what kind of master mmr is that where they let stand sylvanas next to tank with her ridiculously short AA range and let you get 3 stacks of banshee curse. I’m not calling you out, maybe you tell truth but from my experience even in bronze, silver where I am, TANKS were moving away from me with 3 stacks :). I personally find it super hard to keep 3 stacks of banshee curse on anybody without positioning myself too far out. But then again I don’t play at “master” mmr. I’m dirty bronze,silver. Peace to Sylvie lovers.

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I am telling the truth just look me up it’s not hard.

It’s funny how hard yall are defending her terrible Q build when even other Sylvanas I see trying her Q build and doing nothing with it because it doesn’t feel impactful at all.

W build is incredibly easy to stack and hits really hard.


Really lovin that build, I find it really effective when you are against 2 tanks, post 13 she can effectively get twice the value from stacks on top of the cooldown reduction as long as she doesn’t get focused on.

yes i like W too.

new mind control is harder to hit. i need to look at it in try mode, but i have seen it shoot right by ppl that it seemed like it should of hit. so i dunno… maybe the projectile is smaller than it appears.

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Thank you im glad to see there’s other people more open to trying it out and seeing success.

I actually tried her new mind control and it was okay but idk wailing arrow just felt way more impactful.

Mind control I was just using to displace the enemy tank so our team could burn them down… or make enemy run/stay into our tower range.

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W build is a confirmed noob trap, sorry bro. However, if you’re also against an enemy team of noobs, it can be amazing since they will allow you to get more value out of it than in a normal / high level game.

Best Sylv build yw:

1 - Might of the Banshee
4 - Go any, I prefer Unstable Poison overall for instant clearing capability
7 - Festering Wounds (This synergizes with Life Drain later and everything else)
10 - Wailing Arrow of course.
13 - Remorseless in almost every case
16 - Life Drain or Will of the Forsaken if needed for a specific game situation
20 - Go any, I prefer Bolt of the Storm to maintain my zero deaths

Might of the Banshee is better than the silly W quest because you get up to 25% bonus spell damage instantly on all of your moves, AND 25% more auto attack DPS since you get attack speed as well - oh, and by the way with that attack speed it is much easier to apply stacks to enemies too. To put that into perspective, if you go W quest you will need to hit targets 50 times with W that already have 3 stacks on them just to get 25% more damage on JUST the W. You will have ZERO % more damage on your other moves and on your auto attack!

Yes, Festering Wounds will apply 3 stacks to targets instantly which will accelerate the amount of quest stacks you can get, but to choose Festering Wounds you have to forgo another W talent (less CD on W)!

The build above doesn’t force you to make any sacrifices like that, you just get more of everything. More damage/DPS. More survivability. More waveclear (Unstable Poison, and also the fact that your DPS is higher). It’s just better. Even if I got hundreds stacks on the W quest, I really don’t think it’d be worth it in comparison, because during the time it took me to get all those stacks, I would’ve been benefiting the ENTIRE TIME SINCE LEVEL 1 with the increased damage on all of my moves, so I imagine my overall damage would STILL be higher without the W quest.


Right, because everyone who came to a different conclusion than you has to be closed-minded and simply refuses to use the “amazing” W build on principle.

If there’s anyone closed-minded here it’s you because when people confronted you with legitimate arguments why it’s not a good build all you had in response was “well I won more games with W build than any other hurr durr”.

Not only that but also you seem to be under the false impression that Sylvanas has only two builds, Q or W, when in fact the new Talent Tree allows her far more flexibility, this just shows how limited your understanding of Sylvanas as a Hero is.

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I mean people are claiming it’s a noob trap build when I’m literally using it vs. Master players and when I tried her Q build I was doing no damage and just dying.

Sylvanas w build fits with her short auto attack range and its incredibly easy to stack because after you apply her W any damage after will give you a stack… so if you hit her W, auto attack and hit them with 5 Qs you literally get like 10ish stacks minimum every proc… and once you get the lowered cooldown W it climbs even further.

Plus the damage spreads giving you heavy pressure on the enemy healer… you know cause Q build can theoretically only hit one target but W build beats Q in single target damage as well.

It’s a great build and am getting praised in game by my fellow ranked teammates on my performance because they’re probably scarred from all the terrible Q build Sylvanas players running around and doing nothing.

Since you keep calling yourself a master player and told people to look you up, I did. You have less than half of my MVP % and pretty big drop in MMR (sorry for using QM, but your MMR’s were about the same for all of them and I have only played QM recently). So, if this is still your stance, maybe you should try my build above, since I’m clearly more skilled than you and playing against more skilled players. Also, if you’re listed as Diamond is hotslogs, you could be as low as silver in game.

Here he is for everyone else:


Lol mvp percentage… are you trolling?

I guess good job buddy on your mvps.

And MMR. And win %. And every other measurable stat.

But thanks!