Support Heroes: All or Nothing

I like to play games vs AI for dailies and leveling heroes to 5 that I don’t like or feel comfortable with playing in actual games but, over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed a rather infuriating trend with the way my team comps are formed when playing with other people. I either get a team with absolutely no support heroes whatsoever or I end up on a team with 3 or 4 of them.

Now, not getting any is understandable seeing as support is probably the least popular class in this (or any) game but that doesn’t explain why I’m constantly getting matched up with 3 or 4 on the same team. In fact, these two things directly contradict each other. I mean, there’s clearly not a shortage of support players so why do I get zero as frequently as I do?

This leads me to believe that there is something seriously wrong with the way people are being grouped together. I know matchmaking in this game is questionable at best and game modes like QM are a gamble in terms of getting even teams in terms of composition. But this against AI where only 1 team needs to pull from the pool of available players and the AI team just needs to match what they have. The AI team actually DOES mirror the human team when no one is playing support (i.e. the AI team has none as well) but when there’s 3 or 4, the AI teams are always perfectly balanced.

Why are those players not being split up and placed in games where there are no supports at all? (And, no, they’ve never been grouped up that way or anything like that. Who would do that?)

It’s not just my bad luck, either. I just played a co-op game with someone who is having the same issue. I’d say that 1 out of every 10 games I end up getting only 1 support hero and the rest are all or nothing. Suffice it to say, games with all support do not go well even against elite AI, as bad as the bots in this game are…

I don’t care how good you are, not being able to win team fights over objectives, clear minion waves anywhere near as quickly for soak, being able to take merc camps in a remotely reasonable amount of time or take down structures because your team has 10% of the damage of the enemy team is too much of a hill to climb. It also just goes against what AI games are for: getting a feel for a heroes unique timing and playstyle before taking them into real games. What is there to learn in lopsided games like the ones I’m describing?

This issue seriously needs to be looked at because there’s clearly something wrong. At the very least, the AI team comp should mirror exactly what the human team’s comp has. So, if we have 4 support, the AI gets 4 support to compensate. The game would be… weird to say the least but at least it would be winnable.

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I think that - unlike “assassins main” or tanks’ players - support player don’t want to just try out hero in QM. This could explain why there are too many supports in your AI matches maybe (?)

But yeah if they cannot change the abundance of supports playing vs AI, adjusting the AI draft could be quite doable and should be done

I get that AI games are a good place to play Heroes/Roles that someone might not be comfortable playing in a real game (I do that all the time) but what I don’t understand is why there are 4 supports in one game and 0 in the next. Why doesn’t the game split those supports up so there’s 2 in each (or 1 in each of 4 different games)? There’s clearly enough people playing support that the queue times shouldn’t be affected very much by making players wait until there’s an AI game that doesn’t have a support player yet.

That’s why I think there’s something wrong with how the game is distributing the different roles in AI games. Like, maybe it’s just matching you up with the first 4 players that queue for an AI game regardless of what roles each person is playing instead of trying to make sure certain roles are filled and then giving up if it takes too long. I find it VERY hard to believe there are so many more people playing Support (the least popular role) that the game would struggle to find 2 or 3 other people playing Assassins (the most popular) especially since AI game queues take less than 10 seconds to fill. Something is definitely wrong.

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i play worse since new bots they run more than play even begginer they move a lot , so much cheats for AI coward :frowning: