Suggestion for Ranked/Unranked/QM

Can we please please please add some type of mechanic like yall did in WoW to where you can select one, or up to two maps to ban for yourself out of matchmaking?

Black Hearts Bay is by far the most dog S**t map ive ever played in this game, and top 3 worst maps ive ever played in any game. Most of my friends hate Hanamura, but i personally dont mind it.

I think the addition of people able to cancel 1 or 2 maps from atleast unranked and quick match would be amazing. I never want to play on that sh**ty 2 and a half lane map ever again. Every time i see it in the loading screen I literally just want to leave. I dont think a map in any video game ive ever played has made me want to do that.

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Considering how limited the population is already, adding more restrictions, just makes the matchmaking even more disastrous. In your scenario, basically you never get to play Hanamura just because your friend doesn’t like it. Now multiply that over every other persons’ preferences, now add hero compositions, and a not ridiculous MMR band to pull people from. Like honestly, just get over it.

I don’t like every map, but when maps are on random, the likelihood of having to play them constantly isn’t that common. So much so that the novelty sometimes washes away some of the distaste I might have.


Don’t answer to me, just questions.

  • What is your winrate on BHB?
  • Do your favorite heroes work on BHB?
  • Do you take the trivial camps? Maybe even steal them?
  • Do you take the knight camps?
  • Do you take the mortar camps?
  • Do you take the boss?
  • Do you like teamfights?
  • Do you understand the (massive) risks of fighting on bridges?
  • Can you play around vision? (Bushes, watchtower)

I find that you don’t need to be perfect on this map, unless of course you’re GM material. Focusing on a few aspects can help. For example, consistently taking just one of the camps and making the most of it can help you push down said lane. Once you have a partial dominance, the opponents will have a much harder time to win by PvE.

You may of course have to adjust based on your team setup, and sometimes it’s unwinnable as anywhere. But it’s the same as Towers of Doom. Lose a fort and you cannot access objective.

Looking at my own map stats, Li-Ming and Nazeebo seem to be useful.
As for my heroes, it’s Orphea, Kael’thas and Rehgar. Pretty much the standard stuff.


You covered everything I had to say, good advice.

For me my best performing heroes on this map in both QM/Ranked (BHB was in ranked many years ago) are, Samuro, Sonya, Xul, Nazeebo, Jaina, Rexxar.

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Yeah, getting sick of copy pasting this. It doesn’t even take a whole lot of thinking to realize how disastrous que times can get when each player is banning 1-2 maps and blocking potential games from happening, because all their map dislikes cross with each other.

Reminds me of the period where a ton of new posters signed up to suggest avoidance/block lists for players, with no regard to how gigantic que times would get with tens of thousands of players cross-blocking each other.


Bring back warhead, mines and blackhearts.

Then add what you just said cause im tired of playing battlefield of eternity.

There is a rather nasty solution for that.
Anyone with blocks gets deprioritized. If they fit the match, great. If they not, they wait longer.
A simple implementation is easy. If the match made has some blocks, suspend all blocking players from the queue for the next round of matchmaking. Once a match (set) is found, reenable them.
If you have just one map and a few players, it should be barely noticeable. Otherwise, well, you might wait. Learn to handle it. It’s like the “proper setup QM” thing.

These people often think “well queue times will just be a bit longer”, the problem is proposed changes like “avoid player” or “blacklist maps” ends up creating a feedback loop where queues get increasing longer.

I saw that with the better MM in QM we had a couple (now maybe 3?) years ago. At first I would wait maybe a minute, then daily that time would increase as people would stop playing as they didn’t want to wait a long time for something called Quick Match.