Stuck in MMR hell

Every game I’ve had this season when I win it’s a pittance (175-185). When I lose I lose significantly more points ( 210-230). So if I win and lose a game I’m roughly at a 55 point deficit. This is the reason why it’s impossible to climb. Blizzard has changed so many things about this game, why not make the points flat? As a player I’m supposed to be OK with being stuck forever at the same rank or BELOW because of this disparity? Give me a reason to keep playing this game people.


I wanted to encourage you to leave and never come back. Such low IQ players like you are a serious impediment to my enjoying of this game.
Blizz, pls institute an IQ test prior to allowing people to download the game, and especially before playing ranked.
Thx Blizz


While the system is stupid as can be. The only way to climb is make 4 man premade parties. You will be matched against randoms most of the time and it makes for less trolls in the game so better odds of climbing.

You should actually leave. You think you’re better then you actually are with a such a disguting mentality.

Do yourself some good and be more conscientious.

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