Strongest hero lore-wised?

Yup. Literally the single most powerful non-Xel’naga being in the entire SCU.

The Protoss glass planets on a regular basis. It’s literally one of their go-to tricks for dealing with Zerg infestations.

And yes, their fleets and Motherships are able to melt through a significant portion of the crust of most planets. They don’t actually destroy the planet entirely, but scouring one of all life is actually fairly common, so common in fact that they have significant portions of the Golden Armada dedicated and outfitted specifically for this task.

Hell, the Spear of Adun alone has enough firepower to render a planet uninhabitable.

The planets exist inside the realms.

What, do you subscribe to the “Flat Sanctuary” hypothesis?

No, these are separate small little universes inside a larger, grander one.

Okay, it’s becoming pretty clear that you are a massive Warcraft fanboy with little to no understanding of the other Blizzard franchise universes.

Let’s compare Arthas’ Scourge to Kerrigan’s Swarm.
#1 - Control
They are roughly equal in their control over their respective hordes.

Just as the Scourge act as an extension of Arthas’ will, with some lieutenants micromanaging the undead when Arthas is busy elsewhere, the Zerg are also an extension of Kerrigan’s will, with lieutenants who handle the micromanaging while Kerrigan is busy elsewhere.

#2 - Population
Lol, this isn’t even close.

The Scourge probably number in the tens or hundreds of thousands. If they overran all of Azeroth and converted every member of the intelligent races to undead, they might break 100 million, which is the most reasonable estimate for the total population of Azeroth I’ve found.

Now take that entire population of Azeroth, cube it, and you have a reasonable estimate for the number of Zerg in the Koprulu sector. Of course, that population is spread out over hundreds of systems and worlds, but there can easily be tens or hundreds of billions of Zerg on a single planet.

#3 - Reproduction/Expansion
This also goes massively in favor of the Zerg.

The Scourge need corpses to expand their numbers. Considering that there is a limit to the population of Azeroth, there is a hard and (comparatively) low limit to how large their armies can become.

Zerg, on the other hand, can get everything they need from even the most destitute environments. They are able to break down any organic material into its component substances and then use those substances as resources for reproduction and growth. They can do the same with most non-organic materials, so long as it has the correct chemical components. In other words, the Zerg can also increase their numbers by using enemy corpses, but unlike the Scourge they are not limited to that method. They can also just “eat” the plants, or even just rich enough soil and rocks.
As a result there is no hard cap on how large the Zerg population can grow.

If you’re going to call either of these hordes “infinite,” it definitely shouldn’t be the far less populous and pervasive Scourge.

Yes she can. She can literally generate Zerg parasites from her body tissue that can develop into Broodmothers by feeding on organic tissue and biomass.

Nevermind, you clearly don’t know much about Warcraft either.

The Scourge existed well before Arthas. He didn’t create the Scourge, he was actually dragged into it before eventually rising to the top, just like Kerrigan was with the Zerg.

Definitely a fanboy with little to no understanding of what he’s talking about.

We’ve covered this all in another thread on whether the Scourge would stand a chance against the Zerg.

I wrote probably 20+ word document pages worth of text on that subject in that thread.
To put it simply, the Scourge could only win if they started off with significant advantages over the Zerg, such as a well-established foothold while the Zerg are setting theirs up, knowledge of where the Zerg are setting up, and the ability to reach the Zerg hive cluster within a week or two of the Zerg first establishing it.

In other words, they’d need to catch the Zerg before the Zerg can fight back. If they can’t catch and eradicate them fast enough, the Scourge stand literally no chance against the Zerg Swarm. The Zerg would simply end up overwhelming them with numbers and lethality.