Strange situation, decay&win rate related?

I’ve been diamond now for several seasons, something like six or seven, up to diamond 1. I’ve consistently had something around 50-56% win rate.

This season something unusual for me happened. I was diamond 1, and decayed during the holidays for christmas down to diamond 5. No big deal right?
Then this happened : I had a near 20 game lose streak. Dropped below 30% winrate on over 30 games. The game was pretty much the same, no big change except deathwing appeared (which is permabanned in ranked anyways) and somehow I dropped like never before in all my years playing.

I believe this is related to the loss of points due to decaying somehow.
After a while I eventually started winning again, climbing from 29% wr to currently 44%, (mostly by spamming murky with which I’m near 70% wr). So I wonder, did anyone have a similar situation? Did your win rate severly take a dive after a decay?

Nope, I have multiple smurfs in various ranks, so I always have practice playing with different ppl. If I ever dropped to lower rank, I would know what to do to not lose ;).

If you’ve never played in lower brackets, the different meta, different thinking, slower reactions and general increase in overall mistakes (e.g., most of which would be game-losing in master, but have pretty much no effect in gold and are done on regular basis on both sides of the match) may have been a bit too much of a surprise for you and you needed some adjustment to understand how to adapt your own play to it. It’s much easier to play in lower ranks, but only as long as you understand what’s happening and don’t try to force things that can’t work there (e.g., if you try to get a quick boss while enemy team is on opposite lane (something that would be default play in master) in silver - you’re most likely going be making a huge mistake (1) ppl may not understand why you’re doing it and when to stop doing it; 2) ppl may not react and group fast enough)).

“if you try to get a quick boss” This actually happened twice lol, you may be onto something here. The only way I found to climb back up was just to focus on map macro and taking all other objectives, I found fights to be near unwinnable most times. (I usually play melee assassins / ranged ones like tychus)