Storm League Matchmaker

I almost threw up when I saw Malthael using Tormented Souls on a wave.


in Quickmatch you’ll always witness things that you never seen before!

I use to play quick match a lot just to experiment builds, but in the end I realized that I was mostly a soaking bot just to get to 20 since my teammates didn’t understand the game.
Even my friends don’t want to qm anymore. We’re sticking in brawls or 4 games in SL maximum per day, or until we’re burned out.

But, returning to the main subject, plats with gm, that’s absolutely insane, unfun. Was the gm in a 5 stack or something ?


he was in que with the plats everyone in my team recognized his name. they said he does this a lot to get matched vs lower ranks than him and stomp them to keep his GM rank but he was unlucky and got vs us and he got stomped lmao