Storm League, do I get it right?

So, if you are… let’s say Gold 1 and play with 3 teammates who are between gold 3 and plat 4, and 1 teammate, who is master. You can be matched against 5 master players. And if you manage to win, the gold-plat players will only receive RP increase as if they’ve won a game against other gold-plat players.
Is that how it works?

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I think you need to be in a 5 players team if the difference in rank is more than 2.

Yes, I’m talking about a team of 5.

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My understanding is that only the MMR/rank of the Platinum and Master player would be considered. As Platinum is within 2 “ranks” of Masters.

So you would probably be matched up against a team with Platinum to Master ranked players.

If you have 4 Gold, and 1 Master, it that case it would look for Master, and possibly high diamond players.

(Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Plat -> Diamond -> Master (maybe Grandmaster a separate tier also?))

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  • in a team of 1-4 players you will be prevented from queuing if your ranks are more than 2 leagues apart. (i.e bronze in group with GM = they cant hit ready in ranked mode)

  • in a team of 5 it looks to see who has the maximum rank. anyone greater than 2 leagues below this person is ignored for matching. (ex. silver, gold, plat, dia, master – in this group these would be counted.)

    • ppl that have not ranked yet are able to play in group with anyone until they rank.

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This is a GREARlT change. It effectively removed smurfing as an anchor benefit for premades.

Before you could have (at an extreme example)…

A GM and 4 silver smurfs who are really actually master players etc and the team would play against all gold players.

Now there’s no way to cheat that system since the rank MMR won’t be counted if outside two ranks.

  1. Ranks or Divisions?
    From what I understand - 2 ranks is between gold 1 and gold 3/plat 4. While 2 divisions is from gold 1 to dia 1/bronze 1.
  2. I didn’t really get an answer to my question.
    The lower rank players will not be counted for the matching. Okay, this does answer the 1-st part of my question - they can indeed be matched against 5 master players.
    However, the 2-nd part didn’t get an answer - will the lower rank players receive RP as if they’ve played against other gold/plat players, or will they indeed get RP as if they’ve played against masters?

While it was poorly communicated, I’m a solid 99% sure it is division. Because it being +/- 2 ranks would kill a lot of TL with friends.

Well, no. Because the Platinum player should be taken into account also.

Probably not.

The ranked adjustment for being favored or unfavored would likely be calculated based on the MMR/winrate estimaet that matching parties get. And as such would calculate the difference between the Master+Platinum player against the other team.

This is theory, but we should get a preseason for Storm League as I understand it, so that should clear it up… as annoying as it is being hidden currently.