Storm League - Bronze

yes. a bad joke actually cause it’s a terrible matchmaking system

As ive said vefore you should be able to carry from two ranks below your own. I can get out of gold with a 55-60 percent winrate by playing heroes i haven’t played before.

There are tons of silver players in bronze and alot of gold players in silver but none that deserve to be any higher unless they just never play.

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Listen, there is maths behind the matchmaker thats pretty simple. The more games you win compared to the games you loose the higher your rank will be. For very high ranks in order to progress you need a winrate that is more than 60% usually. If you play better than your teammates but you arent good enough to carry you still get stuck in a lower league.

Thats a problem this game has. You need to be significantly better than your team to actually change loose to win.

But if you play a lot and I mean 200+ games a season than you will leave bronze as a silver player. Leave silver as a gold player.

If you loose a game cos your enemy plays much better than your allie you might have had to play with a smurf but I dont know how to get an account into bronze I think its impossible without purposely tghrowing at least 30 ranked games.

The lowest my smurfs ever got palced was silver 4 and I won all games until gold 4 and I was plat within 2 days on this account and diamond in 5. So I am pretty sure if you cant rank up you lack skill.

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Very well put.

There is no such thing as advancing in ranks with 50% win ratio. You have to become better than the players you play against to rank up. You need to have anywhere from 50,1% to 60+ depending on how fast you want to rise.

For some reason, some people treat ranked like AI: If I just play enough I will “level up”. It doesn’t work like that vs humans. It isn’t a grind. It’s a measure of skill over hundreds or thousands of matches.

But I do agree with OP that Bronze has such a massive skill spread (and also plenty of smurfs) that the climb can be very tough since player quality is all over the place. It also has constant stream of smurfs that have no reason being there pushing bronzes even lower.

Thx and yes I know. He is right bronze has a skill spread. But I really have a hard time believing that there’s so many smurfs. I dont know how to bring an account to bronze without feeding an abundance of games. Silver is probably a different story.

I assume a lot of people in bronze are throwers/toxic and often lagg very hard but theoretically have much superior micro gameplay to the others there. Also they might be very bad at most heroes but in OPs game they happened to play a hero they are much better with.

I think that’s way more likely. Fan only got accounts in bronze by playing those of others afaik. Getting into bronze is hard and takes long.

Edit: With hard I mean you have to throw so many games that you could easily win.

Because I don’t do that personally I have no idea how smurfs create those accounts, but my theory is they either leave a lot of games in draft or they intentionally lose games. There are barely any other options.

They are losing a ton of points on purpose to create those b5 accounts. Which actually takes effort if you placed into something like silver 2: You have to actively sabotage games that seem like wins, in order to lose maximum points.

I have tried to get into bronze on a smurf but I would have to throw HL games on purpose and I didnt wanna do that. I lost almost all QMs on purpose by playing really bad without really feeding and I got placed in silver 4. From there on I went beast mode was dia in 5 days. Though you should probably do it like fan and troll your way up with Tier 5 heroes because otherwise you ruin these games. Soaking XP and Minimap DLC just ruin their games.