So, how about that Patch?

Can we have that patch today??? I know its been fun to have Tracer in 80% of the games and the people playing as her are having a great time, going 13+ and 0 over and over… But if your not a Tracer player and she is not on your team, its not making for a super great experience.



Tracer post #52.

Funfact: Did you know western people and Japanese people always have had several conflicts about sexuality? Back in the day when the first merchants from europe arrived to Japan, they were vey uncomfortable about the “type” of products the Japanese people tried to sell to them.


Sorry, not sorry. But non content balance patches come on Wednesdays, for USA, Thursdays for everyone else.


I started to play ranked. I have yet to see her since she either gets banned or never picked at all.


Ayyy noooo, I am afraid that they will do something wrong to my beloved and beautiful Tracer :sob::worried:. Please Blizzard don’t be hard on her, she doesn’t need nerfs :broken_heart::crying_cat_face:

Please Blizzard, I beg you with all my heart :frowning: :pray:


I don’t even mind the state she’s in, but holy hell after 2 weeks even new heroes dwindle away, its been a month of this crap and its not letting up. I’m fine if you don’t wanna nerf her, but please let me blacklist her, I’m willing to wait 15 min ques to play normal mindless qms again.


Imagine playing a CC hero that counters tracer so your team can burn her down while she is CCed

and no i dont play that hero before you assume it.


Would you like some fries with all that ketchup?

True that.

I think most of the complains come from QM crowd. I dont have problem with her in UD or SL.

On the other hand, in QM agaimst any sort of CC with all her healsnand shields… she is indeed cancer to play.


For me Raynor is a cancer to play against.

And your point is???

My opinion is simple, nothing more.

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Funny, I was just in Storm league. Enemy picked tracer. We won


That OP Tracer pick doesn’t seem to have helped them.

They also had a KT. They had two OP heroes and they lost. OMG!


They even drafted Varian so no “hard Tracer Counter”, by the logic on these forums that Tracer should have “owned” your team.

I’ve only lost one SL game so far vs the reworked Tracer and that was mostly due to it being an Tracer/Abathur comp.

She “Only” win rate of 55% of the time in Storm league so yes, some games have to fall on the other side on that percentile.

So if Tracer wins, it’s because she’s OP, and if she loses. It’s because she lost but she’s till OP. Strange logic.

Everyone seems to have a different win rate for her.

Personally, I win the majority of my games against her.


Oh yea she’s getting the nerf bat tomorrow. Can’t wait :hugs:

Win or lose most people hate tracer just becuase of how bloody annoying she is.

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Not me. I hate Medhiv and Samuro.

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Were there tentacles?

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