So, can you nerf Hanzo

As much as I like this dude appearing in matches and hitting me with 1 Q and dropping me instantly, can you at least make his character a bit more challenging. I’d take scatter arrows deleting me then a Q he can just spam all day with no punishment. First off it’d be nice if his abilities actually costed mana that was comparable to the amount of damage they do. That way if you missed it was at least punishing, which it isn’t currently. A lot of people prolly feel the nerf is unnecessary but Hanzo is one of those heroes that has a low win rate but is good in higher tier play. If you don’t see Hanzo that often I am envious of you. I literally hate this hero so much, I would rather see pre nerf valla over him.

He dies to a hero sneezing in his general direction unless he is hugging a wall for Natural Agility, I’d say he is already the most difficult ranged assassin in the game.

He isn’t even playable if the player can’t figure out bounce trajectories for Scatter Arrow and position perfectly for 20 minutes to avoid being constantly dived.

Sonic Arrow also doesn’t do a thing unless you play with really good allies. It’s just a vision ward. So instead of damage, this ranged assassin gets to reveal areas. That’s useless in most games under platinum or so.


I would say he is easier than KTZ. Q-Hanzo isn’t really hard, the only ability that is hard and needs practice is W.

But you’re right he don’t need nerfs at all. I never feel that he is opressive, even when played good. He is just strong.


It’s also not really viable. W hanzo or no hanzo, it’s that simple. Q hanzo is just a bad nova.


Maybe around the best players, but do we know that OP belongs to the best? In lower elo Q build works fine. So what’s your point?

With a better wave clear and better zoning, yes.

And any long range mage works better (more dps and usually more burst potential too) in that same low elo. If you want long range assassin, just pick nova - much better than Q hanzo. If you want waveclear and long range mage - there’s Q jaina.

I doubt that KTZ works better than Q-Hanzo.

Long-range Jaina? Wtf?

KTZ is a totally different hero. It’s a medium range ultra-burst mage that needs extreme protection. Not hard to play, but easy to be countered, so KTZ is generally just not a viable pick at all.
I would compare hanzo to actually viable picks instead.

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You said:

KTZ is a long-range mage… what are you talking about?

Jaina’s Q base range is 10.5, which is upped to 13.65 with lvl1 talent. That’s confidently outside all aa’s and most of other abilities. So yes, minigun jaina is quite long range. Not that I would play her that way anymore though, bruiser aa jaina is much more fun.

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Chain range is 9.5, but due to casting delay (0.125s) its effectively much smaller. So, no KTZ is not long range. He needs to be within aa range to use the ability.

Not to mention, that if you’re comparing him to Q hanzo, you’re comparing apples to dynamite. Q hanzo is a non-burst poker on cooldown. KTZ is a combo 1-shotter that never uses abilities on cooldown.

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Yeah her Q. But you can’t poke greatly with just Q and her other abilitys are rather mid-range. This is why Jaina isn’t popular at lower elos and that’s why people usually end up with low damage on Jaina and prefer to soak only with her.

KTZ has also his Q for poke damage, it isn’t hard to hit it.

I didn’t compared him specifically, but I just mentioned him, because it was you who generalized and said ANY long range mage.

That does no damage at all, if you don’t cc the target to not walk out of it. Irrelevant.
Q spam is just for pve.

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I wouldn’t draft KTZ without easy cc like Varian anyway.

KTZ is the cc. That’s exactly where you should draft him. E.g., if you have strong front but lack cc (mm, say stitches+artanis+rehgar). Obviously you would leave such niche pick as ktz for last pick otherwise you’ll just be genji+zeratul’ed.

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Hanzo needs buffs, not nerfs. Dude has a consistent 45% overall winrate and a 48% winrate in D+M (average at that level is 53%).

Only Genji is doing worse than he is overall, and he’s in the bottom 5 even in D+M.

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Still easy too counter with mobile heroes or cc immune heroes. Heroes like Xul or Varian makes your combo just easier.

Just pick Q ming instead then. Same amount of burst (more actually), much easier to position into an opportunistic cc and much safer to play. No reason to go as niche as ktz.

Nah, ktz has to hit the chains into unhindered targets to be worth picking.

KTZ is definitely a mid-range Mage.

We only have 5 long-range Mages in the game – Hanzo, Azmodan, Chromie, Li Ming, and Junkrat.

Falstad has more range on his Q than KTZ does on his combo, and I definitely would not call him a long-range Mage.


Sure it works too, but KTZ has some other advantages over Ming like better wave clear (Q-spam), additional CC and if needed another initiation tool with Frostblast heroic.