SN1P-SN4P Hero Concept

I wanted to create something unique and based on Magnetic mechanic from Hearthstone.
I could create Zilliax, but i couldn’t think of abilities that would fit him, so i created this instead.

So the main selling point of SN1P-SN4P in Hearthstone is that it’s able to be every “kind” of raw board present, since it can be either played directly or used as a buff, and can segment out to go tall or wide.

The Deathrattle makes this even more dramatic as you can get nine separate minions from one card, with a total of 12/15 in stats, before one speaks of cost reductions to get more Echoes. Something that was so horribly overkill that it caused the Echo mechanic as a whole to be nerfed.

This doesn’t “stick” like that, the trait Magnetic buff is a one-off and the Micro Bots are an ult. The shield doesn’t recharge, and you have only one ability setting it off. There also isn’t a description of how you get Claws back without allies dying.

Given the way SN1P-SN4P works, it should operate like a mix of old Tassadar and Vikings, multi-soaking with actual bodies that can be removed and having most of the high-level power be in enhancing allies. I’d make the Micro Bots baseline, replacing Fume Cloud, and have the Claws absorb XP like Aba hats.

Then you stick one Claw on a Micro Bot in one lane and walk off to cover another lane. Smoothing this over, the no-Claw property could be cooldown reduction on Zap instead of a separate attack, making it so that a “mage” build will naturally want to hold Claws as little as possible to get more Zaps.

Edit: Replacement ult for the Microbots could be an expansion of the Magnetic effect by way of Spare Parts, where you get a button to separate your last-used ability as a Magnetic effect and drop your abilities as F-key items on death, so allies can get one more rotation of your abilities while waiting for a respawn.

And also have the Magnetic effects directly tied to your basic statistics, so you have all the effects baseline and are handing them out, meaning you have a 700-something Shield if you’ve got both of your Claws.

This would enable an off-tank function similar to Uther, where your tools to sustain and protect allies covering yourself makes you servicable as pure front-line, and also make it a serious consideration whether to Magnetize or not.

Okay, i can add “Casting this on SN1P-SN4P will return the first Claw magnetized” or something like that.

SN1P-SN4P is a full Support, not a Pusher like Abathur. You’re trying to make it Pusher while it’s not the main role.

No, this is too much.

Abathur’s also a Support Hero, as it’s become a dumping ground for both soakers like Vikings and “not-quite-healers” like Zarya, and his hat build serves much the same purpose as Magnetic. Vikings are minimally capable of pushing lanes and Abathur’s not much better, they’re primarily soak.

And, again, SN1P-SN4P’s whole gimmick in Hearthstone is splitting bonuses against making additional bodies, we see that the latter virtually always means being a pusher, with Zagara, Vikings, and Samuro all pulling it pretty heavily from their rears.

If you want a pure buff-bot, that’s Ziliax’s purpose. SN1P-SN4P’s distinguishing feature is being all over the place if you need that. Much like Hatathur’s multi-soaking swapping to turning Illidan into a horrifying monster once the team-fight starts.

How so? We have plenty of massive survivability Ults, a literal resurrection, and three Traits for post-death value. It’s all of one more round of the abilities after dying, not likely to upstage Dead Uther (968 health alongside 25 armor for ~7.5 seconds)

Definitely a heck of a lot more fitting for a Heroic than two bonus bodies for 10 seconds that are literally nothing but something to stick Claws on, completely forsaking the shields in the process for slightly better positioning as if you aren’t a theoretically-melee Hero and your team has no frontline.

Hmm… So, bit of a thought for compromise, have the Magnetize carry the last-used part implementation instead of tying it to a separate Heroic, then replace Micro Bots as a Heroic with having a second main body that gets a Claw for a single extra part, activating to Magnetize the main bodies, so it’s as much permitting Viking Soak as it is The Biggest Buff.

The differing effects allow for a still-useful shielding total on Zap-magnetize to help burst management when you have four parts you can stack (perhaps replacing the ally-targeting mode), then have Claws give some HP and armor, and the third ability give direct healing over time, whether it’s Fume Cloud or Micro Bots.

Either have faster cooldowns or increased bonuses when on the main body, so you have a genuine reason to hold onto parts and aren’t best served by just equipping yourself to a Cho’gall or Illidan. At least until 20.

Finally, have the parts stay magnetized after death, giving XP if the Hero they’re attached to dies and being put on a sizable cooldown as they respawn, combining with cooldown restrictions to suggest against stacking parts on doomed allies. With four parts, give 15% for each with a 40% main body, two-charge Micro Bots replacing Fume Cloud having 10% part XP and 50% main body.

Micro Bots would most likely best fit your idea of being mainly support by having the capacity to body-block, so enemy Heroes “stumble” around them unless they whack the things down at the cost of valuable attacks or spells, but being too fragile for their cooldown to be useful for solo-pushing.

Another possibility would be having Magnetize be from re-activating on cooldown, with the Trait specifying on-death Micro Bots while keeping the Fume Cloud. Then a Talent could give the parts to the micro-bots as a partial death avoidance mechanic, making them much more threatening in the process.