Small change to TLV

It’d be cool if they let you rally a dead viking with minimap, it’s not that big of a deal, but looking away to rally them in the middle of a fight is not a smart move so my boy baelog who got sniped by 2 lads diving me is just gonna sit there for 15 seconds xd

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i can rally dead vikings with minimap, play with your settings. Not attack move though, but you have plenty of time to append a move while they slowly go to lane

I’ll look around in settings cuz it only seems to work with live vikings for me

Whatever it is that snaps the camera to spawn when a Viking dies is the most annoying thing. I use camera lock when rolling as 3 for convenience, but if one gets ganked the rest die getting the camera back under control. Dead Vikings are not a camera priority. The one that just walked into a tower while the camera snapped away IS a priority.

imo camera lock is huge downgrade to your map awareness and character control. So disabling it will not only solve the issue, but also open to you new skill heights