SL on NA is ... interesting these days

With CCL firing up, a whole bunch of GM/former Pro players from other regions have been spamming SL on NA to level their accounts and buy heroes for the upcoming season. This means that those of us also playing SL on NA have had very interesting team mates. I have had the (mis)fortune of going up against Rutzou and Tai from EU in the past, and I have to say, Rutzou’s Zeratul hurts.

I have a friend I play with who swings between low Master and high Diamond who has been matched with Lauber a few times. And today, I had the dubious distinction of tanking for Dynouh.

I am sure he was less than complimentary to my tanking in his stream, I mean hey, I am an NA Plat tank, but it was neat to see a pro in action. And not on the enemy team for a change!

For those who aren’t interested in eSports, I can’t say I blame you, but playing with some of the best HotS players in the world is something I find thrilling, and I will never get tired of learning from them. Their knowledge of timing, rotations, and macro play is worth paying attention to, so keep an eye on the random players you may find in your games, some of them may be worth watching!

And no, I don’t want to watch the replay on his stream, because I am pretty sure he was salty about my tanking. I have seen his commentary before, and yeah, he doesn’t pull any punches.

And yes, somehow we had a Murky on Hanamura. Don’t ask. Randoms be random.


Dynouh is a very, very good Tracer from EU.
He is #1-20 GM for 2-3 years straight. It is great you get to play with these people.


He initially hovered Tracer, but switched to Fenix, probably to level him for the gold. He was doing a little bit of shot-calling, some typing in chat but mostly through pings, and his micro skills are a joy to watch.

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Lifetime, I was with him in draft ~3 times. He picks nothing but Tracer so that Fenix was a surprise :smiley:

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Oh sure post the one anduin game where i dont go for holy nova…

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What is your rank btw?

What the hell is wrong with you, boy!?!?


D2-D1. Yet to go into Master a single time after SL came out.
(TL doesn’t count, imo.)

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I once had the best Maiev player on enemy team in qm. I was not disapointed at all how skilled that player is with her.

Also at one time i saw a Zeratul that was called Wubby. But i dont know if it was Dignitas Wubby or just some random player with his name. Nonderless he rected the enemy team 3v1 sometimes.

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I love watching people who are that good at either the game, or a specific hero. Although it is painful to play against them, it is worth it for what I learn.


The only streamer I played with was MFPallyTime, but I was a bit underwhelmed. Maybe because I had too high hopes, as I had thought he is a Grand Master. But it turns out he was just an ol’ regular. Maybe gold or plat.

I don’t recognize any of those EU names, but I sure would like to play with Grubby if he ever migrates to US.

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I don’t think Grubby is involved in CCL, but he does do streams for Heroes Hearth, the organization hosting the league, so there is hope! Personally, I would love to be in a match with Heccu, as a woman who plays a mean tank in Master on EU, she has always been someone I enjoyed watching, and she has a great attitude towards the game.

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I just had a murky on Hanamura too.


Playing Tracer on high ping is a nightmare though. I can’t remember if I’ve seen him play Tracer recently.


Since I am fortunate enough to have low ping for both servers, I have seen you and Karabars in Storm League. I usually queue with people who are around diamond 5 to 3, so a bit above my skill rating of low-mid plat.

But as luck would have it I have only been on the opposing side. :frowning:

Would be fun to see Hoku’s legendary Artanis or Anub’arak sometimes by coincidence. I would take a defeat proudly. (For anyone who didn’t read some recent topics - she has 90% on him!)


Heh, my poor Hierarch has been butchered this season, partially due to the current anomaly, partially to my being an idiot when playing him. But I love seeing familiar names in draft, regardless of where I recognize them from. I would be honored to tank for you some day!


Ugh. That’s what makes me scared to rank this season. I still haven’t played games but it’s due to too many smurfs (eu players aren’t considered smurfs but for all intents and purposes they are in NA) will just slow down my rank gain to master

So if your not master yet. Why care about tier lists?

You can use your non s tier heroes. I’m in it to win it

Maybe legendary at making questionable swaps… like that one BOE game when were were saying retreat… in voice chat… and pinging it… while she rotated down from top and engaged hahahaha.

Love you Hoku!

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