Sheena, the Mystic Songbird (Nexus Healer)

Ranged healer who uses her voice to heal and inspire allies or damage enemies.


  • Sustained healing
  • Self healing
  • CC


  • Mobility
  • Escape
  • Burst Damage

Basic Abilities:

  • Melodic Pulse (Q) - Sheena throws a sound projectile, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies within its vicinity.
  • Eternal Sonata (W) - Sheena sings a song that heals herself and her team, and grants physical and spell armor, thus movement speed for a few seconds.
  • Sound Wave (E) - Sheena fires a wave of sound that passes through enemies. Dealing damage and reduces armor for a short time.
  • Songbird’s Echo (Trait) - When Sheena accumulated her fourth ability, her basic abilities will cast the second time. Each note enhances her basic attacks and attack range, consuming the note.

Heroic Abilities:

  • Crescendo (R1) - Sheena sings a song, projecting a powerful sound wave, dealing damage and stuns them for a short time. While allied heroes grant armor, attack damage and movement speed.
  • Fortissimo Encore (R2) - Sheena summons a healing dome, becomes unstoppable and immobilized, heals allies within the dome. Can also used basic abilities while channeling this heroic ability.

Sheena likes to sing at a young age, but her voice brings them empowerment to the Nexus as she becomes a supportive figure in all of antiquity to become a powerful songbird and a responsible one.

Level 1:

  • Songbird’s Call (Quest): Complete the required quests for the following to increase spell power and mana regeneration; 50 Melodic Pulse hits, 25 Eternal Sonata heals and 40 Sound Wave hits.
  • Mystic Burst (Q): Melodic Pulse increases spell power.
  • Mystic Feedback (Q): Melodic Pulse hits also drains mana to enemy heroes.

Level 4:

  • Equalizer of Sound (W): Eternal Sonata also restores mana to nearby heroes.
  • Triple Adagio (Trait): Songbird’s Echo now casting the third time.
  • Requiem of Serenity (W): Eternal Sonata increases cooldown reduction.

Level 7:

  • Vox Aeternum (Passive): Basic abilities empowers basic attacks.
  • Soprano Minor (E): Sound Wave also slows.
  • Adante Major (E): Sound Wave increases attack range and cooldown reduction.

Level 13:

  • Relativity Calm (W): Eternal Sonata removes roots, stuns and silences.
  • Pulse of the Earth (Q): Melodic Pulse increases attack radius.
  • Shield of the Siren (W): Eternal Sonata also grants shields.

Level 16:

  • Sonic Lockdown (E): Sound Wave also roots.
  • Song of Silence (E): Sound Wave also silences.
  • Mystic Seal (Q): Melodic Pulse grants spell armor and increases cooldown reduction.

Level 20:

  • Double Crescendo (R1): Crescendo now casting the second time.
  • Unscathed Tone (R2): Fortissimo Encore also grants protected status.
  • Songbird’s Fury (Trait): Songbird’s Echo grants spell power and takedowns reset basic abilities.
  • Siren of the Storm (Active): Becomes unstoppable and each hit returns the same attack to enemies.

While I like the concept, you have misused musical terms.

“Fortissimo” means very loud, and should be a large burst heal.

‘Crescendo” means getting louder, and should be a growing heal over time.


I’m not trying to sound aggressive or offensive, but why did you take the new League of Legends champion and peddle it off as a new Nexus Original with minimal changes (mostly reducing the complexity)?

I don’t think it takes much to see that they are the same characters and ability kits. They share the same theme and the abilities are placed in the same order. Taking away the complexity from the character also directly disrupts what made Seraphine’s gameplay loop so compelling as well; this kit doesn’t work nearly as well.


Possibly new Nexus heroes? I’m see about these concept was just be need to know it.

Or making new voice lines to Nexus and Blizzard Heroes.