Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I don’t play QM often. But it doesn’t seem to matter which game mode I play.


Someone give me instructions on how to remove a curse.


Queue with me and my friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I believe you were salty about 2-3 hours ago, whispering the entire team after the game, then blocking everyone from being able to reply to you.

quite the opposite. A 2.55% popularity means that the winrate literally doesn’t matter because ~97.45% of the time, Master+ players don’t even bother LOOKING at the talent, much less considering seriously picking it. Basically, the sample size is so tiny that winrate can fluctuate on a dime ( meaning if the few people picking GP had only a few bad games, the winrate would plummet), making it worthless metric. My guess is that GP is much better in lower ranks where people have TERRIBLE movement but is otherwise not really worth picking.

To the Lucio and Auriel that kept booping the bots out of range every chance you could, I hope the power goes out in your homes, your floor becomes magically covered in legos, and your shoes turn up missing.

Signed, a grumpy Butcher.

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Yeah, I admit the lack of irrational behavior was refreshing :slight_smile:
Let me know when you’re playing.

Ok, not the usual Salt mine subject, but I want to share it because it’s ridiculous.

My jobs’s shipping invoices were no logner being paid because my card (Corporate credit card) had changed. So I go to the nameless shipping copany’s site, and update the information, but nothing happens. My colleague tried to make a shipping request and it’s rejected.

Turns out, the system will not let you update your payment information if you have an invoice that’s due.

Febex: We don’t want your stupid new credit card number, we want you to pay the invoices.

Phaseshifter: But, but


Don’t worry, I can make up for that by playing Artanis next time!

Well, I guess picking Artanis is irrational in itself :slight_smile:

Raynors can still take the level 20 hyperion on death in Aram even though its “fixed”

When you play as Nova, yet you gained more EXP from laning than the rest of your team despite them being better laners than you…

Might have been because they spend 90% of the game teamfighting but it might also be my fault

I have very, very high respect for “specialist Nova” players :].

You need to get in touch with Nazeebo, but usually those players are a curse in SL.

Have you had this experience Phase in your SL games? I either get people who change at the last minute or I’ve locked a tank early and the four refuse to fill heals and take a bruiser. So like the matches you show here, I also get this odd problem, where everyone wants to play main tank and heals, so I’m stuck trying to being super polite and encouraging them not to take double heals with no hyper carry hero, or double tank vs a team that has Tychus and Malth. :frowning:

I know it would make drafting less flexible and I’m still against the idea, but I’m starting to see the merit in the idea of people being forced to lock themselves into a role when they queue up.

Also, the only way to be sure to remove the curse is never hit the ready button. :frowning:

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A LOT of my games are lost on the draft screen. The second most likely occurance is a suicider (or two).

But almost all my games start with no one wanting to lock or show anything. Then I lock, then someone picks the same role.

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This is so annoying, I’ve had that often. Usually when I’ve checked on that person who has locked a second tank it turns out they hardly play the role and have a negative win rate on it. Sometimes they will say something like “Isn’t Mal’ganis a bruiser?”

This would be okay, a double tank comp can be fine, but in my experience it will usually only happen when your team already has a tank and bruiser and you needed a healer. lol

Apologies for my solution, I was being glib. Like you though I fill constantly (happy to) I will try to communicate with the team, ask what they want banned and ask them to show their preferred role only to be greeted with silence and end up with bizarre picks.

I’m almost willing to finance Blizzard to create a turotial for this game.


Find a healer with cleanse and have him use it on you.

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It’s a hidden rule some player learn in Hots. There are more than enough games I start to regret, when I locked in a hero…

I had it today. I locked in Gazlowe for Braxis and then I see someone locked in Thrall some seconds later. :joy: The most annoying part about this game was that I were solo against DW, I was winning the solo lane until enemys started ganks, but my team never showed up and then I got flamed why I am dying… We won this game, but it still hurts a bit, because I got blamed that I can’t play Gazlow (ignoring the fact I have 60-80% wr).

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Ironically, Nova can become a [remote-]soak fiend in the late-game if she takes Explosive Round at 16 and Precision Barrage at 20.

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At 10+ deaths in 14 mins I woulda probably reported the Sonya (Intentional dying category). I mean 8 in such a short period is still horrible but it may be a new player.

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At least in QM, most Nova’s think there is only one ult, Triple Tap. Even then Nova’s who do take PS with the upgrade, most don’t think to use it to clear waves. Nova is about the only hero I make an internal groan when I see her on my team in QM.

I am happily surprised when you get a very skilled Nova who knows you can do more with Nova than simply sit in stealth waiting to finish off a low HP hero.