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I mostly favor Hypershift over Bribewing. Bribe has its place, but more often than not I feel it’s a win more talent and I usually get much more value out of the extra heal from Hypershift, not to mention the CDR on it, which is probably even more important.

Wait there is also another talent on this tier right? :thinking:

Sorry for the lack I’m likes I’m all out, I gave away too many to Froggy when he logged on!


Favoritism is wrong except if it’s for me.


BW is my healer of choice, and I simply cannot find a spot for bribe in her hit. Yes, she can splitpush and does it well. Would do it even better with camp on her side, but still doing camps is the last thing BW should have on her priority list. There are always some overextended or ganked allies to Z to. Hyper Shift is excellent counter for gank-heavy teams especially early game, and can vastly extend lifetime of your teammates during teamfights mid- and lategame.

Bribe is nice, because it’s still a freaking bribe, but all the advantages provided by Hyper Shift makes it just so superior. C’mon, on Stitches or Diablo it’s like Ancestral available on level 1.

Besides, Hyper Shift also allows BW to Z faster and makes laning with her way safer due to cooldown reduction it provides. Clearly Blizzard actually wants BW to lane and she’s well equipped to do so. Opportunity to steal camps happens relatively rarely, but all fields of exploration of Hyper Shift happens all the time.

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Yes its called Greater Polymorth. You get mana back if you hit Poly target with center ring of Q and cd reduction. But that is awfull unless you got godlike aim. Try and hit center ring on a tiny sheep that moves around.


Dont worry we like you too. With your name you should have BW avater too. One more member of my BW cult.


Yes I know, I was pretending it didn’t exist! I’ll admit if you’re a better shot with Q than I am, it would probably be useful. I’d be interested to know the pickrate of GP in Master/GM, where they should have god like aim.

In master Greater Poly only got 5% pickrate and Hyper Shift got 95% pickrate, Pixle Charm got 2% pickrate but they all got positiv winrate.

Its just Hyper Shift give you so much to your kit. You can soak lanes and then join teamfight when needed.

They have nerfed the healing on Hyper Shift I think twice now? As you say, it’s less about the healing but just how it synergies with the hero and her entire kit compared to the other two choices.

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Yes. Before it gave cd for each member you healed with your trait including yourself so Z was up really fast.

Then that got nerfed and now they removed the cd via healing so you have to kill minions to get cd reduction and then finally the healing got nerfed again cause it perferm too well.

I think they changed that when they reworked her so she could cleanse with her trait. Oh boy do I miss that one, your Z was up all the time, perhaps that was a bit bonkers strong. :slight_smile:

Her trait could also do burst healing every 40 sec in beta. That got removed too so yea BW have had her fair share of nerf the past 5 years.

It’s not that hard as part of a CC chain.


This is why I hate Nazeebo players. He said himself “he fill”, but he took NAZEEBO on Hanamura, when we have a Sonya and demanded the solo lane. So we had no real poke bottom against Ming and Sylvanas, thank you Zeebo…

Ming with basically teleport build, but takes Zei’s Vengence at 7 and not Calamity?

How can this guys be gold…? Why do I feel I get trolled by my teammates so much.


I don’t think these people are trolling (for the most part). I think they are just one-trick, ignorant or otherwise low quality players. Try not to take it personally. :man_shrugging:

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Well, if someone said “he fills the role”, “let me solo” and “need a mage”, but picks Nazeebo on Hanamura… it’s hard to not to feel to be trolled.

I wouldn’t pick Sonya, if I would knew earlier…

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How to troll 101. He lied. He was not going to fill. He only joined to derank his team.


Win rate is 63.6% but that’s for 33 games total.
Hypershift’s pick rate is 94.74% 1225 games.
Pixie charm is 2,71%, 35 games.

(And in case you’re wondering, the pick rate of peekaboo! is 88%)


healing used to be 10% and crd was 2 secs.

In other words it’s a good talent, if you’re good with aiming your skillshots or when you can chain-cc to make it easier for you.

Ironically he joined with his Raynor friend…

I wouldn’t deduce that it’s a good talent if you only want it 2% of the time. I’m pretty sure people pick it on double healer comps. So your default choice would still be Hypershift outside of that situation,

The troll train continues… this time Tassadar, who has not idea how to build his hero and don’t have any idea how to draft.

Enemys have Lili, Johanna, Ming, Uther and Thrall.
We have Sonya, Stiches, Orphea, Anduin… and we surely needed another mage (Tassadar Q build). On top of that he choosed Black hole on Hanamura…